It's a quality share but I think he would have added far more value by giving specific case-study examples where he used these tactics. Creating a paper doll is a huge challenge for most small businesses but Youtube analytics could provide valuable insights if they have previous Youtube videos I guess.
Let me know if I can do anything or help you out in any way in regards to video.
If at all possible, do you think you can NOT use the Amazon S3 links?
Dropbox is fine but all the S3 DLs are costing me a lot of money I didn't plan for.
It's a quality share but I think he would have added far more value by giving specific case-study examples where he used these tactics. Creating a paper doll is a huge challenge for most small businesses but Youtube analytics could provide valuable insights if they have previous Youtube videos I guess.
I'm glad I read his report. Thanks again.
Thanks for the praise, it made my day.
I actually do plan to add specific examples and expand on this later... but I need to start somewhere.
I had to significantly cut down on the paper doll section, it was nearly 13 pages long by the time I finished it (for a reference point, the finished book was 22 pages). I always have a tendency to over-deliver which I'm trying to work on (my stuff gets so info-heavy it's difficult to digest). The paper doll section had specific examples on how to talk to each demographic.
for instance, when dealing with a single female aged 25-34, you want another female 25-34 as your spokesperson.. whereas a married woman with kids of the same age identifies better with an older fatherly male (50+). TONS of information I had to cut out... I promise I'll create some companion guides to help businesses that have trouble on their own. You can only do so much in a $7 book though, right?
You got my REP+3 for a cool attitude! You will live a longer and happier life if you maintain coolness...Good luck with your sales.
Haha thanks.
Sales for this book were actually VERY awful, which I consider my own fault. 31 purchases.
I mean I guess it's okay, for not having a list, not being a d**** about promoting it, not shoving it down peoples throats. It's more important to me to keep making my stuff better and slowly grow my brand than to be known for releasing BS filled products.
I'm hoping that the 'dirty/unethical' angle will cause a stir and get a
fair amount of attention. Only way to know is to release it and see what
happens. But it seems like the type of gimmic that will do well as a WSO no?
((My sales cycle will always begin with the Warriors, since $40 to reach that many people is a killer deal. If you release at the right time you can get 600+ views in an HOUR. Using facebook CPC at $1/click, it'd cost me $600 just to get that many people to a sales page.))
Hi Dennis
Like the cover of your new book,just went to the Warrior Forum to actually buy your book for your way cool attitude and you have took it down
wish you well with the new project