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(09-17-2013 10:55 PM)3CardMonte Wrote: [ -> ]Woah you the first product creator I meet that had this type of attitude.... I will give you a couple marketing tips I use to promote my products ..

Okay take your pdf and make a watered down version that you would give away for free... make sure its nothing less than 7500 words... the more words the better ranking when it comes to kindle....

At the very beginning of the book add a link to your squeeze page ... ask for reviews and also sign ups.

Use the kdp select to promote as hard as you can for four days to build up a buzz and a list at the same time ... which in turn you can use to gain sales and rankings and more :D just a tip that's all !
(09-17-2013 08:55 PM)aallaabbaammaa Wrote: [ -> ]@3CardMonte,

You got my REP+3 for a cool attitude! You will live a longer and happier life if you maintain coolness...Good luck with your sales.
Haha thanks.

Sales for this book were actually VERY awful, which I consider my own fault. 31 purchases.
I mean I guess it's okay, for not having a list, not being a d**** about promoting it, not shoving it down peoples throats. It's more important to me to keep making my stuff better and slowly grow my brand than to be known for releasing BS filled products.

Next book is being released this week, and will be epic. Actually really excited for it.
Check out the cover mock up:

I'm hoping that the 'dirty/unethical' angle will cause a stir and get a
fair amount of attention. Only way to know is to release it and see what
happens. But it seems like the type of gimmic that will do well as a WSO no?

((My sales cycle will always begin with the Warriors, since $40 to reach that many people is a killer deal. If you release at the right time you can get 600+ views in an HOUR. Using facebook CPC at $1/click, it'd cost me $600 just to get that many people to a sales page.))
(09-17-2013 11:13 PM)2hypnotic Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Dennis
Like the cover of your new book,just went to the Warrior Forum to actually buy your book for your way cool attitude and you have took it down
wish you well with the new project
Ah, yeah I took it down.
I don't want people to think that when I post something at such a low price the deal will be around forever.
When I say "limited time offer" I want people to know I'm for real. When the new book comes out, I'm bumping the price to $18.99.
A lot of the information is "of course" info... but there ARE some nuggets in there I picked up from some very high-level advertising execs.
I worked as an unpaid intern for 2 years to get the job that lead me to some of those breakthroughs. I want people to know that what they're getting should be valued.

The new sales page will be hosted here:

If you want to thank me in any way though, I could really use some criticism.
When I asked for reviews on the book, all I got were glowing reviews. REALLY ANNOYING.
What I need is specific criticism. Ways I can make the book (or audiobook) better for next time.
What would it take for somebody to read this, and then want to share it with all their friends?
What would it take for people to actually USE this? To quote this? To profit off this?
Thanks @Judge Dredd. You have been repped.
+5 Rep
(09-17-2013 11:29 PM)TreeMan Wrote: [ -> ]Woah you the first product creator I meet that had this type of attitude.... I will give you a couple marketing tips I use to promote my products ..

Okay take your pdf and make a watered down version that you would give away for free... make sure its nothing less than 7500 words... the more words the better ranking when it comes to kindle....

At the very beginning of the book add a link to your squeeze page ... ask for reviews and also sign ups.

Use the kdp select to promote as hard as you can for four days to build up a buzz and a list at the same time ... which in turn you can use to gain sales and rankings and more :D just a tip that's all !
I suspect not many product creators share my attitude because they're hocking shit.
Most entrepreneurs who sell "make
money online" products don't actually make money from the techniques they're selling. Most their money comes from the actual sales of the products so when people pirate they get their panties in a bunch.

Right now, I'm making a fulltime passive income from my video work.
I can go on vacation, sit on my ass and play videogames, ignore clients, ignore product creation or promotion... and I'd still be able to pay all my bills and live the life I want. Therefore: the potential loss of piracy doesn't really effect me. As long as I get to help other people I'm happy.

Although: I do get quite a bit more bothered when people pirate video assets. Stock backgrounds, stock elements, etc. I put a lot of time into those, I spent a lot of money on the software and plugins to create them, I went to school for years to learn the techniques, and they're assets I'm using MYSELF.. I stay up for DAYS on end organizing them and laying them out as to be super user friendly and easy to use... so when people take those I'm more likely to see it as "stealing" than just infoproducts or techniques anybody can teach themselves (if that makes any sense at all)....

I'm going to take your advice on the product launch... but I'm not going to water anything down.
I want Castleforge Media to be synonymous with quality.

I think this will be my sales process:
1) Release WSO.
2) Rerelease WSO with audiobook attached (give audiobook for free to anybody who's already purchased)
2.5) Possibly rererelease with videos (again giving for free to anybody who's already purchased)
3) Take WSO down permanently
4) Publish to Kindle, schedule the promo days for 1 month out
5) Spend entire month p****** and promoting free kindle days. (get related blogs/networks/forums in on it)
6) Promote audiobook/video as opt-in bonus for kindle users

Each book/product I do will go through this process. I've got at least a dozen books on video marketing outlined.
After I get a group of related products I will throw up a membership site with a 1-time-pay gateway (nonrecurring).
Members will be able to download group of products at a nice discount.
May refine as I go on.. we'll see.

I just finished the trailer for the second book...

The sales page will be JUST this video, no copy. Excited to see how it does.
Hey CardMonte, the Youtube Video is down, any new link or upload?
Thanks, +rep :)
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