09-17-2013, 11:29 PM
(09-17-2013 10:55 PM)3CardMonte Wrote: [ -> ]Woah you the first product creator I meet that had this type of attitude.... I will give you a couple marketing tips I use to promote my products ..
Okay take your pdf and make a watered down version that you would give away for free... make sure its nothing less than 7500 words... the more words the better ranking when it comes to kindle....
At the very beginning of the book add a link to your squeeze page ... ask for reviews and also sign ups.
Use the kdp select to promote as hard as you can for four days to build up a buzz and a list at the same time ... which in turn you can use to gain sales and rankings and more :D just a tip that's all !(09-17-2013 08:55 PM)aallaabbaammaa Wrote: [ -> ]@3CardMonte,Haha thanks.
You got my REP+3 for a cool attitude! You will live a longer and happier life if you maintain coolness...Good luck with your sales.
Sales for this book were actually VERY awful, which I consider my own fault. 31 purchases.
I mean I guess it's okay, for not having a list, not being a d**** about promoting it, not shoving it down peoples throats. It's more important to me to keep making my stuff better and slowly grow my brand than to be known for releasing BS filled products.
Next book is being released this week, and will be epic. Actually really excited for it.
Check out the cover mock up: http://www.castleforgemedia.com/TrafficW...Mockup.jpg
I'm hoping that the 'dirty/unethical' angle will cause a stir and get a
fair amount of attention. Only way to know is to release it and see what
happens. But it seems like the type of gimmic that will do well as a WSO no?
((My sales cycle will always begin with the Warriors, since $40 to reach that many people is a killer deal. If you release at the right time you can get 600+ views in an HOUR. Using facebook CPC at $1/click, it'd cost me $600 just to get that many people to a sales page.))