Dear experts,
Seeking a solution to this example;
This fan page ushing plugin sharing videos to fan page.
It does not share video url only via FB AppID and App secret.
It actually do extra one more thing.
If just share VIDEO by using social post plugin (e.g. NextScript: SNAP) to fan page. The look in fan page will be look like this;
The image is half and the right side half is description and site name url...
Sharing video will get more people to watch, it is a fact.
If you share IMAGE to facebook fan page via SNAP to fan page. This is the look, it look like this;
Wow, very eye-catching big image full size inside the iframe.
Sharing image will not as good as videos because video has higher sharing.
How to share video but showing full big image in fan page?
This Allsharer fan page ( know the trick of mixing both great things together.
It is what I want.
It is actually sharing VIDEOS, but the image showing in fan page is a FULL BIG size like sharing images.
It also let visitors/fans know it is a VIDEO by adding an overlay image to the image. (The play sign) It is a bit bigger and not nice looking, but at least it is there to show this is a video, not image.
How to share videos with the social posting to facebook in full big image size like Allsharer (
I know how to share video, just because the image showing in facebook fan page is half the size, not nice, not eye-catching.
Any expert here please quote me a price of doing this using Wordpress.
I have FB App ID and Secret, I am using WordPress. I am using Multisite WP social sharing plugin (NextScript: SNAP Pro MU)