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Full Version: [GET] [WSO OF THE WEEK] These Simple Keywords ALWAYS Rank #1 Overnight! [$$$ PROOF]
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Thanks for bringing this up. Great advice from FunkyDog!
Definitely going to read it through
hi guys,,,
i would like to share my finding regarding my reading to this,,,,,

case study 2:
Keyword 1: how to become a cna
Current Rank: #2
it supposed to be on page 1 at Google.

when i checked with a tool
it was not found on the first 10 pages on Google

same with case study 3
Keyword 1: black angus coupons
it supposed to be on page 1 at Google.

it was not found on the first 10 pages on Google

just to share :)
Thanks a bunch for the share +Rep added
Probably got slapped by the new google algo so it wasn't as much effective as before. I've seen Becker's dream niche ebook and checked his website and rankings.. it's all gone. However, you could try using youtube to get fast ranking with this probably. Need to try this..
thanks bud +3 rep nice read
Wow! CreativeMinds! Thank you for this share! Rep added

This is probably one of the most powerful threads on the forum!

This system works folks!

Imagine finding 10 - 15 of these 1000+ monthly searched, low competition keywords and you are ranked on page 1 in the first, second or third spot!

This is life changing revenue for you and your family.
(01-22-2014 08:55 AM)show Wrote: [ -> ]Wow! CreativeMinds! Thank you for this share! Rep added

This is probably one of the most powerful threads on the forum!

This system works folks!

Imagine finding 10 - 15 of these 1000+ monthly searched, low competition keywords and you are ranked on page 1 in the first, second or third spot!

This is life changing revenue for you and your family.
Rep+ also added for your feedback Cool
Hey CreativeMind, thanks for sharing, I have given you rep+

No doubt the strategy still works but you need to build more high pr backlink to get it rank. Perhaps buying links from PR3-5 websites.
+5 Rep OP..
I need to subscribe on this thread for my SEO Reference later.. I still not applied any SEO Technique.

All the best,
I am checking my thread and notice that on post#1 i forgot the salespage link.
Here is the salespage link for it.
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