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Full Version: Savage Siphon Method
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This just launched, can anyone get this and the oto? Looks incredible!
I would love to get this too.
Listening to the webinar now, sounds great and the upsell sounds necessary. Would like to see this.
I would like to get this too
bump this!
Did you record the webinar? bump
(08-28-2013 06:21 AM)Boogey Man Wrote: [ -> ]Did you record the webinar? bump
No but when the replay comes out I will put up a link.
bump bump bump
I'm all in with you guys! Somebody please get this sucker and post it here. This
really does look very, very interesting to say the least. Val Duvall rocks!
Bump also! What did the OTO include and how much was it? I knew there had to be some type of OTO with an intro price of only $17. Thanks.
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