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Full Version: Savage Siphon Method
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Pages: 1 2 3
Please share it so we can see how it looks. I'm a fan of Offline Systems (that work!).

Thank you.
please anyone ? bump - bump - bump
Bought the front end:

The front end is not worth much to seasoned offliners.
It's all about the lumpy mail and how to to send out:
1st - a bank bag
2nd - a compass
3rd - a trashcan
4th - (optional) a pre-loaded refurbished cell phone, that you can buy for $5 each online

They even tell people to prequalify the list, but not according to which criteria...

So it's all about the "what", but not much about the "how" - oops, I paid for pre launch content!

BTW: The site is very tightly secured even from the inside. No way to snatch the templates without upgraded membership.

Cheers, Johnny63
Hey Johnny63,

I am sure if you can share the front end people will send you money to get the OTO too. What are your thoughts on this?

maybe buy the oto and then ask for a refund? Sounds like the front end wasn't too good to start.
Here's there rough copy that they gave to JV's

...and that's exactly what you get as PDF when you buy hhe front end (+ the XLSX file to upload addresses to the Avery website).

Avery provides that probably for everybody too to make their service easier.

So, how do you rate this PDF for $17 ?

Cheers, Johnny63
Pages: 1 2 3
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