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Full Version: My method of INDEXING ANY WEBPAGE/BLOG POST Instantly in Google (100% Working)
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thnx man i will try +rep
It is working for me. Thank you very much.
thanks...but anyhow all ping sites are similar...i use totalping
just well explained nice
Thanx rep added. :)
Google Ping Templates
pls upload Google Ping Templates
yes mate just wanted to tell u that i tried this and it worked absolutely well u da bomb mate
blogspot posts are automatically indexed fast by google
What about the excessive pinging to all those ping sites? To much pinging is counterproductive because your url will start getting labeled as spam and once that happens you could put an imacros on that ping button and it won't help. I'll try it once and for emergencies but I'm worried about the long term use of this method
thanks men :)
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