02-26-2013, 02:52 AM
"How I personally convert 60% to 86%
of my audience into happy paying
clients on-the-spot...And you can too!"
Boost Sales Without Being Salesy.
Structure and Present IRRESISTIBLE OFFERS
that inspire people to "Buy Now"
Instantly Make Thousands of Additional Dollars Each and
Every Month Without Working Any Harder!
If you're a speaker, trainer, coach, consultant or anyone using a presentation style sales approach, and you've been out there giving your heart and soul, providing amazing value and doing overall great presentations, and your audience is still not throwing their wallets at you…I have some great news.
You have at last found a source where you can discover WHY NOT?
And more important, WHAT YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE THAT!
Hi Everyone, I'm Lisa Sasevich, known by many as "The Queen of Sales Conversion."
The good news is, for most of my clients, the adjustments that make the difference between 10% and 40% sales conversion are small, easy to implement changes that make a difference right away and cost nothing to implement.
Look, if you've never converted 60% of a room before and it happens once, it's a fluke. A really cool fluke, but a fluke nonetheless.
Now, if it happens twice, you may find yourself getting excited. I know I did.
And of course, if it happens a third time, now you know you're on to something. Wahoo!!!
So the question is, how can you hit that exciting 40%, 60% or 80% sales conversion target consistently; knowing exactly what you did to cause it and having confidence that you can cause it again and again and again.
When I first started selling from the stage, I would have great sales success at one event, and then go into the next event in total fear that I might leave out that critical element that was the key to my success on the last round. And me on the stage, presenting with that fear in the background…well, let's just say it wasn't a pretty sight.
What I soon discovered is that presentation style selling involves much more than making a strong sales offer at the end of a good talk. Once I began to understand the structure of how my presentation and my offer fit together…
I stopped looking at my presentations as
an educational portion plus a close
and started seeing them as an integrated experience where my job is to build desire in my audience starting from when the first word comes out of my mouth!
Just imagine...
How much more money would you be making if you could do this?
What would be the impact if you were able to increase your existing results by 20%? 40%? 100%?
Let's face it; there are a lot of areas of your business that need your attention. I found that
Focusing my attention on increasing sales conversion was the most surefire way to make thousands of additional dollars without working any harder.
It's just a reality that if you sell your offering to 20 out of 100 people one week and then 40 out of 100 people the next week, you just doubled your income. And you did it while spending the same amount of time, money and energy you spent the week before. I don't know about you, but those kind of results make me REALLY HAPPY!
I imagine by now you're wondering, "Who is this person, Lisa Sasevich and how does she know so much about Sales Conversion?"
My story begins about eight years ago, when I started working with the owner of a small seminar company that taught women how to understand men. In business for five years, the company had grown very slowly, even though it provided an excellent education.
I soon saw that the slow growth was partly a result of the owner's relationship to sales. While she had a gift in developing valuable seminars, she possessed an attitude that many business owners have, which is…
"I don't want to seem pushy or 'salesy'."
Can you relate?
I believe a large percentage of us feel that way and yet so many companies I work with allow that fear to hinder their ability to penetrate the market with their unique offering (i.e. SELL!).
I worked for that seminar company in different capacities for many years, and one of the things I learned about myself during that time is that, regardless of my role, I'm a Results Junkie!
In other words, I love to see people:
make a choice
take action
move forward, and
commit to something they desire.
Even if the outcome of their choice is "No," I love that they are clear about their choice.
So, during my time with this company I began to study what could move people from the "Maybe" position, where people are frozen and no action happens, to the "Yes" position, where they act.
My "A-Ha" moment
One weekend, while attending a seminar about money, it was suggested that each of us has something called our "Million Dollar Value" to offer the world. I became curious about what my "Million Dollar Value" might be.
This is such a funny story, because as you'll see, it was right in front of my face, but I couldn't see it by myself. (This is very common!)
I hired a coach to help me start investigating. During one of our first calls, I was telling him that one of my favorite elements of leading weekend seminars and introductory evenings were the results. I told him I got so high when 86% of the women in a weekend workshop I led registered to do the rest of the curriculum, and that it was the best rush for me when 40, 50 or 60% of the women who attended my introductory events signed up to do the weekend workshops.
I barely finished telling him this when he said, "You do what percent? Lisa, do you do this all the time?"
"Yes" I said. "I travel around the country and do this all the time."
He was silent, and then said jokingly, "And you're still confused about what your Million Dollar Value is?"
It didn't take long for me to realize that I had a gift in this area. Speaking with my coach, I started reflecting back on all the situations where I had produced these kinds of sales results at so many of the companies for which I had worked over the previous 19 years.
I looked around and saw that many companies are very satisfied with 10 to 30 percent conversion in live seminars and sales presentations.
You can work your tail off for exposure to
more potential customers, or simply close a
greater percentage of the customers and
prospects you already have.
As I began attending other talks and trainings, I quickly saw that there were so many amazing
consultants and
business owners
doing all kinds of talks, seminars, workshops and introductions and providing so much value yet failing to sell.
sales page
Download here
Thanks to kodadog for the upload.
of my audience into happy paying
clients on-the-spot...And you can too!"
Boost Sales Without Being Salesy.
Structure and Present IRRESISTIBLE OFFERS
that inspire people to "Buy Now"
Instantly Make Thousands of Additional Dollars Each and
Every Month Without Working Any Harder!
If you're a speaker, trainer, coach, consultant or anyone using a presentation style sales approach, and you've been out there giving your heart and soul, providing amazing value and doing overall great presentations, and your audience is still not throwing their wallets at you…I have some great news.
You have at last found a source where you can discover WHY NOT?
And more important, WHAT YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE THAT!
Hi Everyone, I'm Lisa Sasevich, known by many as "The Queen of Sales Conversion."
The good news is, for most of my clients, the adjustments that make the difference between 10% and 40% sales conversion are small, easy to implement changes that make a difference right away and cost nothing to implement.
Look, if you've never converted 60% of a room before and it happens once, it's a fluke. A really cool fluke, but a fluke nonetheless.
Now, if it happens twice, you may find yourself getting excited. I know I did.
And of course, if it happens a third time, now you know you're on to something. Wahoo!!!
So the question is, how can you hit that exciting 40%, 60% or 80% sales conversion target consistently; knowing exactly what you did to cause it and having confidence that you can cause it again and again and again.
When I first started selling from the stage, I would have great sales success at one event, and then go into the next event in total fear that I might leave out that critical element that was the key to my success on the last round. And me on the stage, presenting with that fear in the background…well, let's just say it wasn't a pretty sight.
What I soon discovered is that presentation style selling involves much more than making a strong sales offer at the end of a good talk. Once I began to understand the structure of how my presentation and my offer fit together…
I stopped looking at my presentations as
an educational portion plus a close
and started seeing them as an integrated experience where my job is to build desire in my audience starting from when the first word comes out of my mouth!
Just imagine...
How much more money would you be making if you could do this?
What would be the impact if you were able to increase your existing results by 20%? 40%? 100%?
Let's face it; there are a lot of areas of your business that need your attention. I found that
Focusing my attention on increasing sales conversion was the most surefire way to make thousands of additional dollars without working any harder.
It's just a reality that if you sell your offering to 20 out of 100 people one week and then 40 out of 100 people the next week, you just doubled your income. And you did it while spending the same amount of time, money and energy you spent the week before. I don't know about you, but those kind of results make me REALLY HAPPY!
I imagine by now you're wondering, "Who is this person, Lisa Sasevich and how does she know so much about Sales Conversion?"
My story begins about eight years ago, when I started working with the owner of a small seminar company that taught women how to understand men. In business for five years, the company had grown very slowly, even though it provided an excellent education.
I soon saw that the slow growth was partly a result of the owner's relationship to sales. While she had a gift in developing valuable seminars, she possessed an attitude that many business owners have, which is…
"I don't want to seem pushy or 'salesy'."
Can you relate?
I believe a large percentage of us feel that way and yet so many companies I work with allow that fear to hinder their ability to penetrate the market with their unique offering (i.e. SELL!).
I worked for that seminar company in different capacities for many years, and one of the things I learned about myself during that time is that, regardless of my role, I'm a Results Junkie!
In other words, I love to see people:
make a choice
take action
move forward, and
commit to something they desire.
Even if the outcome of their choice is "No," I love that they are clear about their choice.
So, during my time with this company I began to study what could move people from the "Maybe" position, where people are frozen and no action happens, to the "Yes" position, where they act.
My "A-Ha" moment
One weekend, while attending a seminar about money, it was suggested that each of us has something called our "Million Dollar Value" to offer the world. I became curious about what my "Million Dollar Value" might be.
This is such a funny story, because as you'll see, it was right in front of my face, but I couldn't see it by myself. (This is very common!)
I hired a coach to help me start investigating. During one of our first calls, I was telling him that one of my favorite elements of leading weekend seminars and introductory evenings were the results. I told him I got so high when 86% of the women in a weekend workshop I led registered to do the rest of the curriculum, and that it was the best rush for me when 40, 50 or 60% of the women who attended my introductory events signed up to do the weekend workshops.
I barely finished telling him this when he said, "You do what percent? Lisa, do you do this all the time?"
"Yes" I said. "I travel around the country and do this all the time."
He was silent, and then said jokingly, "And you're still confused about what your Million Dollar Value is?"
It didn't take long for me to realize that I had a gift in this area. Speaking with my coach, I started reflecting back on all the situations where I had produced these kinds of sales results at so many of the companies for which I had worked over the previous 19 years.
I looked around and saw that many companies are very satisfied with 10 to 30 percent conversion in live seminars and sales presentations.
You can work your tail off for exposure to
more potential customers, or simply close a
greater percentage of the customers and
prospects you already have.
As I began attending other talks and trainings, I quickly saw that there were so many amazing
consultants and
business owners
doing all kinds of talks, seminars, workshops and introductions and providing so much value yet failing to sell.
sales page
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Thanks to kodadog for the upload.