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Full Version: [GET] App Dev Empire for the Android™ - Build Your Own Android™ Empire With No Programming Skills
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(10-02-2014 10:43 PM)tw84heiU9H@ Wrote: [ -> ]It's the era of mobile and tablet. Hot market to enter so what you need to know is building apps which can bring you $$$ every single months by selling them or monetizing ads. If it's too old for you then move on to another thread.
It WAS a hot market to enter

(10-02-2014 10:43 PM)tw84heiU9H@ Wrote: [ -> ]If it's too old for you then move on to another thread.
I suggest you check my latest share, which as a matter a fact I'm just snatching from the sales page:)
Thanks for nice share :), +rep
Spunky123456, Thanks for the share, +rep added
Thank you very much! I have been looking for this for a long time...
[hide]10x 10x[/hide][video=dailymotion][/video]
Max reps to the OP.

The direct download link in Post #1 still works and you can use the s3 Ripper for the videos.
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