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Full Version: [GET] App Dev Empire for the Android™ - Build Your Own Android™ Empire With No Programming Skills
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I get a problem when downloading the software related to this tutorial. It was so big and won't finished even I've used fast connection and waited for hours. This course make me pain.

Anyway, thanks for your share!
(02-01-2013 05:16 AM)Spunky123456 Wrote: [ -> ]You will also need this

download Tegra (Development environment) Tegra Android Developer Pack

Another Sales Page

If anyone wants to put some funds together to get The Deluxe part i will add some funds
Thanks mate for the link,

This is an additional link, for the last version + training video's

hey demomeb, Thanks for the link. but only Tegra registered members can download it.
anyone can provide the mirror plz?
Just ignore my above post.

I go ahead and sign up as a developer and then able to download it.

Here is the Mediafire Mirror For those who do not want to register.

Magic Button :
I want to try android market.. let me use it
Mirrorcreator mirrors of post #24
Magic Button :
can any one plz tell me do i need the member area access to make the apps? and the video tutorials are too big ,, i just download 1 video 78MB for an hour , can anyone convert in 3gp or or flv and upload it in media fire ?
thanx in advace. Cool
Hello guys, can someone please reup again the video lessons??

(05-25-2013 10:21 AM)mrdimeh Wrote: [ -> ]Hello guys, can someone please reup again the video lessons??

All the links in post #1 still work.

Use firefox and their "downloadhelper" addon. After selecting the first video, you'll be able to download the videos directly
[Image: be5d06e2f035e629a20da26a6950d9ac.jpg]

App Dev Empire for the Android - Build Your Own Android: A to Z Crash Course
English | AVC1 1024x576 29.970 fps | AAC 160 Kbps 44.1 KHz | 2.92 GB

Google Android™ app developers earned $125 Million in mobile display
adds while iphone guys earned less than 90 last year! Google is all
about PPC and advertising, that's where the biggest revenues come! You
don't really have to sell your app! It can be free to download and still
bring thousands!

Lesson 1 we'll download and install the development environment
together, I will show you how to get around fast, the tools you really
need to start fast! It's very easy even if you don't have any
programming skills at all!These are actual video tutorials where you
will be looking over my shoulder and duplicating my success!

we'll get into creating your first project. You discover how to create a
user interface for your first game. We will be creating your own
"Scroll shooter" genre game! Just like iCopter, jetpack joyride or
R-Type popular games. A simple to create game that still shows all the
types of development you would need to create other games!

On the
next step you will discover how to create the core of the game, how to
connect actions in the game, and how to add ascrolling background.

the next lesson we'll create the main player, teach him how to behave
in the game and use the player's controls, how to avoid obstacles. We'll
also add some cool animations, such as explosions!

Next we
explain how to check the interactions with the objects and teach our
player to avoid the obstacles, adding more cool animations along the

Next we'll add game bonuses to keep the player motivated.
Finally we'll set the conditions of game victory and defeat, and add
some cool music and visuals.

In the final video tutorial we'll
show you how to export the finished game into the Android™ marketplace,
called GooglePlay, submit, and start making sales!
In conclusion, you
will have a full plug and play solution that you can be selling in the
marketplace right away! And remember there is no approval or risk that
your game will be declined! That's the beauty of developing for

more info
h ttp://

Magic Button :
http://[Reported by Members as spam/premium links]/file/fef9jjyf/App.Dev.Empire.for.the.Android.part1.rar
http://[Reported by Members as spam/premium links]/file/usydxlpa/App.Dev.Empire.for.the.Android.part2.rar
http://[Reported by Members as spam/premium links]/file/wvn1hxya/App.Dev.Empire.for.the.Android.part3.rar
http://[Reported by Members as spam/premium links]/file/2i5mx3pa/App.Dev.Empire.for.the.Android.part4.rar

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