not fully working like acc creator or Proxy Load from Url
Anyway Thanks for this share
(12-01-2012 09:40 PM)TMB Wrote: [ -> ]not fully working like acc creator or Proxy Load from Url
Anyway Thanks for this share
account creator working good for me....created some have to attach proxies with username to create accounts
work good,thanks.
it can auto follow,unfollow,comment,like...
so good.
hi thank you for share did you use private proxies,trying to find some that are free to trial.
public proxies do not work apparently.
Yep it works well
you cannot upload images
still great thank you
(12-02-2012 03:17 AM)Ikenna1 Wrote: [ -> ]Yep it works well
you cannot upload images
still great thank you
yes,uploaded images doesn't shows up in the profile