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commenting part is veeeeery slow, not usefull at all.
:). thanks, xgrambot is thebest instagram bot
thanks! however, mediafire is down and the uploadseeds link is dead. anyone else have a mirror? :D
(12-03-2012 08:59 PM)troublechild Wrote: [ -> ]thanks! however, mediafire is down and the uploadseeds link is dead. anyone else have a mirror? :D
new dropbox link:
Dead link. But thanks for the post!
thanks appreciated
Thanks for this!

One question... How do you go about creating an account? I've tried inputting a username in the Account Creator and it says "Account created" however there is no password for it?

Thanks Smile
Why your username is Festival Toilet ?

Weirdoo....LOL...You LOVE TOILET ??
It will automatically create a password for you.

The accounts will be in a text file called CreatedAccounts.txt located in the datastore folder. Remember to save your accounts after you make them in case when you go to make new accounts it may save over them.
(12-06-2012 11:45 PM)Festival Toilet Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for this!

One question... How do you go about creating an account? I've tried inputting a username in the Account Creator and it says "Account created" however there is no password for it?

Thanks Smile
Anyone know how can i mass unfollow?
I have settings like this:

Max usesrs to unfollow per account: 3000
Delay between unfollows 25 to 27 sec
1 thread

But when he unfollow arond 150 users bot stops.
Where is the problem?
I just want to mass follow and unfollow people and need 24/7 bot.
BotStagram was good for this. He unfollow 160 people than waint one hour and than unfollow again 160 people.
But botstagram 1.0.27 dont work anymore.

Thanks for help.
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