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Full Version: [GET] Captcha Sniper 7.77 cracked [Repost]
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I am getting Run-time error '75', can anybody resolve this.
Running on WIn7 32bit

PS: I managed to get it work, actually my Kaspersky Pure was blocking it, i disabled kaspersky and Captcha sniper started working.
sound great
run time erroe -‘5’, what's wrong with it?
(07-06-2012 10:37 PM)jingkochan Wrote: [ -> ]run time erroe -‘5’, what's wrong with it?
Run as administrator
Guys the captcha destructive kit isn't working.....
How do I make it work..........

How To Make It Work....
1. Download and install sniper captcha 1.5 beta
2. Drop the 1.5 beta crack here; C:\Windows\System32
3. Then make sure it works.
4. For the error just click start on your computer then "Log Off" and Finally log back and open sniper captcha first... every thing should work after than...
(07-07-2012 08:16 AM)seo_detective Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-06-2012 10:37 PM)jingkochan Wrote: [ -> ]run time erroe -‘5’, what's wrong with it?
Run as administrator

same error on both windows 7 and windows vista.

I followed the steps and never worked.

hope to get any help as I need this software badly.
Thank U vy MCH
runtime error 53... Who have a clue?
(07-11-2012 06:35 PM)dragon_ Wrote: [ -> ]runtime error 53... Who have a clue?

Worked for me, try running as admin.
Cant make it work :(
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