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Full Version: [GET]Nuclear Wiki Gangster v2.1 *UPDATED*
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[Image: nwg-2.jpg]

Update! Version 2.1

New: TimeOut Feature. (10/20/30/40/50/60 seconds. You can set it. So the bot won't stop anymore. Just press the start button and get some sleep )
New: Generate Different Username, Email And Real Name for each registration option. But password will be same.

Some Features:
Auto generate profile infos.
Spintax support for article
Proxy support
Copy success list, Save success list
Easy access to or or
Task log

some times auto-task may stop because of bad urls / bad wiki sites. but generally it will work.
if task log stops, don't close the software. just press the stop button and press the start button again, then choose a new url in url list. it will continue to work.

Old version can be found here:-

New Version 2.1 Download:-

Magic Button :

Also contains more than 20,000 wiki sites :)

Enjoy with your new toy buddies.!

Keep up the good shares!
Thank you for the updates......
working fine for me.... thanks for your share....
I cannot find thanks button
could you please pm me the link
appreciate it
Thanks for the share OP.

Has anyone had any successs with this? ALL my posts failed unfortunately.
dude this thing works like a treat.! :)
Many thanks
Thanks a lot for this share. This work really good!
thanks for this share.good job.
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