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Full Version: [GET]Nuclear Wiki Gangster v2.1 *UPDATED*
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Nice share, thank you.


Mediafire mirror for backup :
Magic Button :

Virus Total :

SHA256: ee27491c762fd4e9e5ecd9ad7dfbe0fad1d102fe69389928cf0c1e371929997d
SHA1: 2aa0f51f3546d1098012503df8363d2ced1c3288
MD5: 27ea4ebf72f2331e53c41d41c2a8753d
File size: 823.9 KB ( 843679 bytes )
File name:
File type: ZIP
Detection ratio: 0 / 42
Analysis date: 2012-05-23 16:23:03 UTC
Is this worth Getting and has anyone had good results with this?
hi thanks for share great stuff
but i am newbie with wiki sites
what should I use with this software, do i post a comment or post articles?
First of all: THANKS for the share!
But just curious:
How does this compare with Wiki Bomber aside from the fact that this is a whole lot cheaper?
Looks to be very similar... Does WB do anything this doesn't do? or vice versa?
Can someone reupload it please? And what is the actual official website for this software? I searched but couldn't find it. And since it is free we could download it there as well I guess?
I downloaded it yesterday. Just follow the directions in the first post. Click THANKS, refresh your browser (control-r usually does it or click a refresh button) and then the link will appear.
can someone re up this ?????
Such a great share, someone should build an application that does, wiki,articles,PR all in one, it would be an cool!
I love it. It works like a charm

For generic keywords visit here
Is this working effectively for anyone? I have downloaded and compared to wiki bomber or wiki nuke, it fails almost 95% of the time. Even using his wiki lists. Just wondering if this was working for anyone.
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