bumping again , someone please post this
Having done subliminals for more than 10 years, one thing I would advise everyone is to always start with foundations (confidence/ self esteem) before running any seduction related subliminals. Otherwise you will probably be in the same boat as everyone else: Lots of attention from women (good to feed the ego), yet, nothing ever comes out of it. Years later not a single approach nor girlfriend nor anything (these is the story of most guys in the forums, with the exception of those who were already active in the Pick Up scene).
For Indigo Mind Labs, foundations are:
Self Esteem 5.5G (Type A/B/C/D Hybrid) - (Good reviews of getting people to act in the real world)
or the older
Alpha Male Subliminal Training 6+1 Stage Set v6.0 (Easily found in torrents)