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Full Version: [REQ] Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility Ver. 3.5 by Indigo Mind Labs
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(08-13-2024 07:11 PM)Unleashed Wrote: [ -> ]Having done subliminals for more than 10 years, one thing I would advise everyone is to always start with foundations (confidence/ self esteem) before running any seduction related subliminals. Otherwise you will probably be in the same boat as everyone else: Lots of attention from women (good to feed the ego), yet, nothing ever comes out of it. Years later not a single approach nor girlfriend nor anything (these is the story of most guys in the forums, with the exception of those who were already active in the Pick Up scene).

For Indigo Mind Labs, foundations are:

Self Esteem 5.5G (Type A/B/C/D Hybrid) - (Good reviews of getting people to act in the real world)

or the older

Alpha Male Subliminal Training 6+1 Stage Set v6.0 (Easily found in torrents)

You said you have used subliminals for 10 years ... Right? If it's true can you honestly tell that subliminals are effective?
(08-13-2024 08:38 PM)deicide1diablo Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-13-2024 07:11 PM)Unleashed Wrote: [ -> ]Having done subliminals for more than 10 years, one thing I would advise everyone is to always start with foundations (confidence/ self esteem) before running any seduction related subliminals. Otherwise you will probably be in the same boat as everyone else: Lots of attention from women (good to feed the ego), yet, nothing ever comes out of it. Years later not a single approach nor girlfriend nor anything (these is the story of most guys in the forums, with the exception of those who were already active in the Pick Up scene).

For Indigo Mind Labs, foundations are:

Self Esteem 5.5G (Type A/B/C/D Hybrid) - (Good reviews of getting people to act in the real world)

or the older

Alpha Male Subliminal Training 6+1 Stage Set v6.0 (Easily found in torrents)

You said you have used subliminals for 10 years ... Right? If it's true can you honestly tell that subliminals are effective?

Most definitely! What well conceived subliminals can do to you is beyond comprehension, even though each title is a hit or miss. One title might resonate very well with you, another might cause extreme resistance. We are all different.

My best advice is to start with foundational subliminals from 'Indigo Mind Labs' for the first year: Confidence /Self esteem / Fearlessness / Healing / Rebirth...

example of 'Indigo Mind Labs' foundational subliminals:

Self Esteem 5.5G
OGSF 2.0 5.11G (Overcome Guilt, Shame and Fear)
OF 4.0 5.9G (overcoming Fear)
EPRHA v6 5.11G (Emotional Pain Relief and Healing aid)
ASC 5G (Absolute Self Confidence) FREE!
Alpha Male v5 4G or v6 5G

You also have Subliminal Club but they are much weaker subliminals. They tend to affect those around into seeing you as whatever the subliminal describes you but you never feel changed. The newer 'ZP v2 MAX' versions seem to at least cause one to do or say stuff that one wouldn't say or do before. The combination of Dragon Reborn Red stage 1 and Khan stage 1 comes to mind. Felt like I was exactly the same person but caught myself having conversation that I normally wouldn't have.

Hope it helped.
(08-14-2024 12:09 AM)Unleashed Wrote: [ -> ]Most definitely! What well conceived subliminals can do to you is beyond comprehension, even though each title is a hit or miss. One title might resonate very well with you, another might cause extreme resistance. We are all different.

My best advice is to start with foundational subliminals from 'Indigo Mind Labs' for the first year: Confidence /Self esteem / Fearlessness / Healing / Rebirth...

example of 'Indigo Mind Labs' foundational subliminals:

Self Esteem 5.5G
OGSF 2.0 5.11G (Overcome Guilt, Shame and Fear)
OF 4.0 5.9G (overcoming Fear)
EPRHA v6 5.11G (Emotional Pain Relief and Healing aid)
ASC 5G (Absolute Self Confidence) FREE!
Alpha Male v5 4G or v6 5G

You also have Subliminal Club but they are much weaker subliminals. They tend to affect those around into seeing you as whatever the subliminal describes you but you never feel changed. The newer 'ZP v2 MAX' versions seem to at least cause one to do or say stuff that one wouldn't say or do before. The combination of Dragon Reborn Red stage 1 and Khan stage 1 comes to mind. Felt like I was exactly the same person but caught myself having conversation that I normally wouldn't have.

Hope it helped.

I have used indigo(two subliminal for little bit) and subliminal club (zp and zp2) .. like 1.5 year ... But i stopped using it. Mainly because i didn't wanted to use any subliminal that has scripts that i don't want .. so it's hard for me to use script based subliminal that changes my inner view for "good".
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