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Full Version: REQ: Paul Coleman query, please ??
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Hello Folks.
I've been going through all the stuff by him that has come from BBHF, and he repeatedly mentions getting on his email list - which is automatic -IF- you've bought from him. (I haven't though...)

So my query is a sort of 2 parter=>
- Is there some easy and direct way to get on his list WITHOUT PAYING, or;
- Does he sell anything for ~$10 or less rather than his usual 17.97 prices.

I searched a bit in hopes of finding a freebie from him, but no joy there, sadly.

Thanks for any help !!

Hi - I see what you mean: I couldn't find an easy way. You could try writing to him direct and asking:, or sign up as an affiliate on W+.
His products all seem to be priced at $17.97. But once you get to be an affiliate, you can access his products for review ;)
Thanks for your reply Bob Henry !!
(+Rep given, of course.)
I took your suggestion and emailed to ask.

The reply came pretty quickly - very obviously from outsourced help with poor english skills.
They didn't tell me in that reply - so I asked again IF they has put me on their list which got me a 1 word reply...yes.

So now I'll watch to see what may come from there.

Thanks Again !!
Lumos, can I ask what question did you ask to confirm you were on his mailing list? Did they ask what product you had bought or just confirmed you were on the list... Thanks in advance
I told them I found the latest item of interest but had not bought it.

My goal was just getting onto their list.

Surprising to me that they don't try harder to get folks on it BEFORE buying !!
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(05-02-2023 01:05 PM)Lumos Wrote: [ -> ]I told them I found the latest item of interest but had not bought it.

My goal was just getting onto their list.

Surprising to me that they don't try harder to get folks on it BEFORE buying !!
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Thanks Lumos, have sent you a PM
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