I agree withSimp
I used to buy his products and read all of his emails. Then the customer service issues, he's really a D*CKHEAD. Maybe he needs a customer service course or something.
I guess the file listed has a TTDICKHEAD should tell it all .
What does the you tube site Rick Astley
Have anything with the above.
Do not bother with this crap
Hi - Thank you for the nice share - I decided years back not to ever use his crap again because your right he is a complete F*ckin D*ck head - and its too bad people still listen to this SCUM Liar meatball --- i really want to forget about him altogether but I have a ugly bulldog (it belongs to my girlfriend) and everytime I look at this animal it reminds me of his pathetic face -- F*ck it makes me want to puke -- I really want to get rid if this bulldog but girly friend wont let me - maybe its time to get rid of both of them -- the Bulldog can use for FREE - OTO the girlfriend use at your own risk and no money back guarantee and if she doesn't work its your fault - actually come to think of it not a bad idea :) - -anyway Max reps for YOU!
Lol… at 1min 48sec he concurred to what others are saying.
(06-22-2022 01:19 AM)jimms Wrote: [ -> ]another scam product?
Thanks for sharing
Reps added
Wouldn't waste my time on this, but
hope you find like-minded people
that you are looking for.
(08-05-2022 10:55 AM)i-hate-scammers Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share, but what about somethingg like this XD
1000 interested and I'll open a BSO thread for all his crap