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@Layna, I don't know how you do it. But you're friggin geniussssssssss!

Thank you so much. I've been looking for this. Thank you thank you thank you.

Public Notice: I'm uploading my first share ever today!!! Yes I've been a leach for years here now but you guys have blessed me so much my conscience can't take it no more. Is there a guide to uploading stuff around here? I want to do it the right way.

Please A Request: Layna, do you think it's possible to get a hold of Ben Settle's "Brand Barbarian" and "Breakneck Content"? These two are just nearly impossible to get. And I think many here would also appreciate this. Is it possible?
@bbhmogul: Thank you for the recommendation. I'll try it because I'm still getting an error message.

@batman1101: Thank you, my dear friend, for posting to the thread. Enjoy!

@urangeloflove: Thanks my friend, but I'm far from genius. I'm glad I was able to help supply your need. I am also happy to know you're beginning to share. I used to have a post called How I Prepare Posts to Share On BBHF but it seems it was taken down. That was a step-by-step guide where I share everything I do to share stuff on BBHF, including:

- Searching to find files to share or grabbing an existing link from a web search or a free or subscription course download site I have access to;
- Typing and editing the post in BBHF's text editor;
- Finding (or creating) and editing an image to illustrate my share post;
- Uploading the image file to my Techsmith Captivate account online and grabbing the link to the image address to include in the text editor (so that the image will show in my post);
- Using an online color picker app to make sure my post title blends or jibes with whatever image I use to illustrate it;
- Compiling the files to archive into a rar or zip package and upload it to a file share server;
- Running a Virus Total scan on the archived file and adding the results and link-back to the VT report;
- Searching for additional links for my Layna's Lagniappe or But Wait...! There's More!! sections;
- Saving the text document as I edit (using the Save As Draft) option, so that I won't lose everything I'd done up to that point if my computer cuts out for some reason or my power goes off. I've had that happen once and I learned my lesson; and lastly.;
- Clicking the Post Reply Button to publish the share if (and only after) I am completely satisfied with everything after having previewed it several times. I am a big stickler for detail and I won't post anything if the English grammar isn't on pointe and the images don't look like I want them (or BBHF blocks my links!).

As for your question about getting Ben's other two titles...

You already mentioned that these are all but impossible to find. We all know that Ben's stuff is hard to come by; usually locked down tighter than Fort Knox. I often get his files only by way of the course download sites I have a lifetime subscription to or get his older stuff from some of the free course sites. But you can lose time you will never get back trying to find Ben Settle stuff.

All that said, I did several searches and could not find either of those products.


[Image: LWR_Recording.png]

Please see Hox34's link below to download Ben Settle's Brand Barbarian. Also, Vivekananda posted a link where you can download it from a Mega link. Big thanks (and reps added) to them both for their efforts. I appreciate urangeloflove for mentioning the additional Ben Settle titles.

for reading!
Brand Barbarian is in scribd.
Thanks Vivekananda for pointing it out.

For those of you who want the PDF of Brand Barbarian here it is

@Vivekananda: Thank you so much for that information. I spent nearly 30 minutes on yesterday looking for it from all kinds of sources (including two older external HDs) and multiple web searches. It's so nice to finally have it (I would never have known about it until urangeloflove mentioned those two titles).

@Hox34: Thank you (max reps are being added) for sharing Brand Barbarian with us in a zippyshare link.

This helps me because lately, my browser (Epic Privacy browser, which I use to "calm down" zippyshare downloads from loading all those annoying, spammy and intrusive ads just to see the download link) doesn't work well with the browser-checking site that comes ahead of the CAPTCHA puzzle. That page just re-loads over and over so I cannot complete the CAPTCHA and get to the Scribd download. I've done everything I can think of (ex: temporarily disabling VPN, ad blockers, etc.) all to no avail. It actually led me to search for alternative downloaders for getting Scribd, Issuu and others file share sites --- which I posted a share of.

@Anyone looking for Breakneck Content: I also spent more time looking for Ben Settle's Breakneck Content. While I did not find it, I learned that near the close of his sales letter for it, Settle says that if you have the July 2019 issue of his Email Players newsletter, you pretty much have the information he published in that short report.

It seems the "newer" issues of Email Players newsletter are very, very hard to come by; so: (1) If you happen to have Email Players newsletter for July 2019, you already have most of what you will read inside Breakneck Content; and (2) If you happen to have it, please share it here (or in a new thread) for those of us who would love to have it.

If you're not being able to read all the pages from this pdf from zippy, try this:

I was having LOTS of trouble to download it from scribd.
The free downloaders online only allowed me to download a pdf version with some problems, with pages that are all black or unreadable, with a very low resolution.
To read pdf files I'm using SumatraPDF.
This file in zippy seems to have the same problem, but I was able to solve the problem and create a readable ebook.
If your pdf download from zippy is ok, please tell me the pdf reader you are using.
Don't ask me why but I was able to read all the pages, scrolling the preview in scribd.
Usually scribd limits the preview only to some pages, but it doesn't happened this time.
I know that Chrome show image files, stored in Chrome cache.
So I explored these images - the idea was to merge all pages in a single pdf.
Easy? Not exactly... Here is what I've done:
- copied the files from Chrome cache to a folder
- renamed them to add a ".jpg" extension (using a DOS prompt command)
- used FastStone Image Viewer (a free software) to exclude all non-image files and to rename the images according to page number
- found a site to convert jpg to pdf. The site refused to convert them, sayind that they where not jpg files.
- FastStone showed that the files are in webp format
- renamed the extensions from ".jpg" to ".webp"
- found a site to convert webp to pdf - the best site allowed to upload up to 20 pages and convert them. I thinks it was pdfjoiner(dot)com
- started to create some pdf files with 20 pages each.
- the site said that my access was blocked for some hours (after creating 5 or 6 pdfs)
- "no problem", I thought, "time to use Tor Browser". But I just cleaned Chrome's cache, reloaded the page and the site allowed me to create the last pdfs.
- finally, I used ilovepdf(dot)com to merge all the pdfs in only one ebook. It is possible to do it with a MS-DOS COPY command (with /b), but it's fun to use internet magic.
- last step: uploaded the book to mega, with the usual password (b...m)
I hope that I can be wise enough to stop collecting excellent ebooks, and start to USE them.

After this outburst (which I hope will come in handy for someone), let's get down to business

Brand Barbarian is here.

Thank you, Vivekananda. Much appreciated! Max reps.

I used Foxit pdf reader, certain pages are shown in a red color on Foxit pdf reader. But they are there.
Here's a mirror of Vivekananda's pdf. Pages 90-99 were repeated so I removed the duplicate pages.[/code][/quote]
Is this like the best cult in the world or what???


Layna, @Hox34 and Vivekananda... Best collab of the year.

Thank you!!
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