09-23-2021, 06:43 AM
Please see the mirror creator download link in post #2 (by bbhmogul)
if you prefer the file WITHOUT the annoying, noisy pop-up when you
first open the document. It's a one-time attribution naming the site
I got this from; still, if you prefer not to be bothered with that, grab
the file from post #2 --- but whatever you do, get it while the links
are hot! There's no telling when el Benbo's legal team will get them
all shut down! Oh... and I also just dropped a link to Ryan Healy's blog
(from 2011-or-so) with links to more Ben Settle Copywriting tips you'll enjoy!
if you prefer the file WITHOUT the annoying, noisy pop-up when you
first open the document. It's a one-time attribution naming the site
I got this from; still, if you prefer not to be bothered with that, grab
the file from post #2 --- but whatever you do, get it while the links
are hot! There's no telling when el Benbo's legal team will get them
all shut down! Oh... and I also just dropped a link to Ryan Healy's blog
(from 2011-or-so) with links to more Ben Settle Copywriting tips you'll enjoy!
Ben Settle's
![[Image: LWR_Recording.png]](https://content.screencast.com/users/layna61524/folders/Capture/media/53471bc2-372b-45c4-8867-9c3d8c233cad/LWR_Recording.png)
![[Image: LWR_Recording.png]](https://content.screencast.com/users/layna61524/folders/Capture/media/6cbdfce2-0971-47ab-a2b2-291c43244608/LWR_Recording.png)
NOTE: I searched the forum for this title before sharing to make sure it wasn't posted already or had an active GB and found nothing.
If you publish (fiction or non-fiction or any content in the form of e-books, POD books, e-newsletters or paper newsletters), this share's for you...!
Ben Settle just released El Benbo Press.
Here's a snapshot of what's waiting for you inside the pages of this new book...
* A secret 2-step pricing strategy that can let you sometimes charge enormous sums of money even for small and "thin" books!
* The absolute best and worst times to start selling a paid newsletter to your list!
* How to develop an uncanny "6th sense" for knowing exactly what offers your list wants to buy... before they even do!
* How to use the (admittedly creepy) secret of Omnipresence that can possibly get your list thinking about you, your business, and your offers during almost their every waking hour!
* Disney's sneaky "smart indoctrination" method for psychologically and emotionally tethering customers to your business --- constantly wanting to strive for, work for, and pay for almost everything you sell!
* A secret plot formula used by the world's longest-running TV soap operas that makes it tough for customers to resist buying from your business week after week, month after month, and year after year!
* Bizarre (yet ingenious) book design insights inspired by Hanna-Barbara (creator of the Flintstones, Jetsons, Scooby-Doo, Smurfs, and other multi-million dollar brands) that can potentially amplify the power of your brand and influence up to 1000 fold!
* A cunning twist you can put on your books and offers to make them stand out in markets overheated with competition selling similar offers!
* The revolutionary "anti-psychology" business-building method that can potentially take 4-figure businesses to 5-figures... 5-figure businesses to 6-figures... and 6-figure businesses to 7-figures and beyond!
* An almost spooky-effective storytelling technique used in Disneyland restaurants that can potentially give your books a thick new layer of prestige --- and maybe even an almost "legendary" like status!
* How to use the strange (but ingenious) secret method the Marvel Cinematic Universe writers use to get people literally addicted to consuming your books and newsletters!
* How to (100% legally and ethically) steal your competition's sales on Black Friday, Christmas, and New Years each year!
* A 2,000+ year old secret (perfected by the Catholic Church over the last several centuries) that can sometimes turn casual buyers of your offers into raging lifetime FANS who cannot get enough of your business --- even when you screw up!
* A clever way to use "content crossovers" to cut your writing time down while also adding far more value to nearly every book you sell!
* Shrewd psychological insights for dominating the bookshelf!
* A peek inside El Benbo's private business rolodex!
* How to stoke up the "Vikings Den" customers on your list who aggressively want to buy everything you offer!
* Quite possibly the single best undiscovered "niche" for direct marketers ever found!
* How to use the lost art of World-Building to: (1) create legions of buyers and customers, (2) virtually "cancel proof" your business, and (3) have a line of fans eager to buy your future offers sometimes years before you even thing them up!
* Sneaky ways lawyers use to profit from idiots who swipe "boilerplate" legalese!
* The official El Benbo Press 9-step "smooth-sailing" blueprint for printing, fulfilling and shipping books!
* Trump's Warmonger Marketing secret that's like red meat to your best customers so they populate your business, evangelize your products, and proudly go to bat for you when you are attacked!
* A dignified way to sell truckloads of books to your list by blatantly and shamelessly exploiting their darkest and most horrifying nightmares!
* 11 "customer subjugation" techniques (based on the work of a Guiness Book of World Records salesman) that can help you whip up a horde of customers who want to buy from you... and ONLY you!
* How to turn agonizingly slow postal mail delivery times into a far more rabidly loyal and eager-to-buy customer base!
* How to use "sloppy seconds sales" to protentially pick up a lot of new customers you'd never get otherwise... and with only about 3-minutes of work!
* How you can potentially "judo flip" bad and even horrifying crises into extra sales!
* The publishing underworld's ugly secret that can get your customers paying you to read the advertising for your own offers!
* An almost "can't lose" 3-phase business plan used by some of the savviest 6-, 7-, 8- and even 9-figure businesses on the planet!
* A dirt-cheap merchandising secret (invented by the world's biggest retail store chain) that can as much as double or even possibly triple your 1-click upsell profits!
* The nitty-gritty details on how to create, assemble, and build-out high-ticket and premium-priced book offers!
* A powerful writing secret used by one of the single most prolific and successful writers who ever lived for making sure you never, ever bore your readers!
* How to "tweak" your brain to help make sure you almost never run out of ideas, almost never have to worry about being creative, and almost never have to deal with the gnawing anxiety of what to sell or write about next!
* The exact 5-point methodology I use to assemble, write, edit and publish books in record time!
* An "its-so-easy-it's-almost-like-cheating" way you can use to quickly build out entire series of books that was invented decades ago by the TV industry (and perfected by Alfred Hitchcock) that works even better today!
* An Orson Welles movie camera trick for making your books, newsletters, and other content far more valued, respected, and likely to be consumed!
* What exact kind of info to include in your books... and what exact kind of info to leave out!
* The deplorable book format everyone bashes in reviews but that sells like hotcakes when done right. (And how to legally "hijack" any bad reviews to make those reviewers sound like dumb-asses not to be taken seriously).
* How to almost instantly turn content you've already written into high-priced books!
* The "R&T" secret for naturally slow writers that can make creating, launching, and selling books happen a whole lot faster!
* Ways to monetize and charge the maximum price for your newsletter!
* Detailed advice on premium/bribe selection!
* How to turn a current product you already sell into a monthly print newsletter (which is, incidentally, how Email Players was invented...)!
* Advice for page count and content density (you might be shocked at now overrated giving lots and lots of "VALUE" is if you want to keep withering churn down)!
* Sneaky ways to keep engagement and retention you won't hear from the chest-pounding wannabe gurus on social media!
* Simple methods for pumping out content each month with as little stress as possible (including a doozy of a secret used by MTV for creating engaging content even if you are not a naturally stimulating writer)!
* Why and how to choose the perfect contributors/guest writers for better engagement and sales (if you don't wish to write the newsletter yourself)!
* The best time of the month to ship your newsletter (I am trapped by my customers' monthly expectations now --- but if I did it over, I'd likely do it at the time suggested inside)!
* How to "get away" with sending newsletters on certain months and still be happily paid by your subscribers!
* And many other tips on writing, publishing, and selling a print newsletter --- including writing and editing tips, design tips, font selection tips, software tips, photo and graphics tips, logistics and production tips, outsourcing tips, customer service tips, printing and shipping tips, backend offer tips, and the list of tips goes on and on and on.
Copyright 2020-2021, 435 pp, PDF
Magic Button :
IMPORTANT: Near the end of the sales letter, it says El Benbo Press is not the same as his 10-Minute Workday program that AWAI sells. So if you have his 10-Minute Workday, this is a completely different product.
GET IT HERE: When you first open the e-book, you will hear an annoying bling (noise) and get a pop-up telling you where I downloaded it from. Just click "OK" to remove the box and it's smooth sailing from there. If you like, grab the download from Post #2 below so you won't have to go through that!
Magic Button :
File name: EBP.pdf
File size: 301.44 MB
Detection ratio: 0 / 57
Analysis date: 2021-09-22 20:38:32 UTC
IMPORTANT NOTE: I need others here to post mirrors to keep this available and running. I won't re-up because I've already received a complaint against my Icedrive account once for one of El Benbo's products I shared here (Infotainment Jackpot). Plus, I don't like the way I look in a bright orange jumpsuit and shackles; so let's keep this going with multiple mirrors over time --- and make every effort to name the file something OTHER THAN the name of the author and title of the book.
Copywriter Ryan Healy shared some links (the green text links midway the page on the blog I point you to below) to what he calls Ben Settle killer copywriting tips. So it's a great time to drop that link on this post...
Magic Button :
If you're seeing this post anywhere other than bestblackhatforum.com
or being shared by anyone other than Layna61524, then that's where/who
or being shared by anyone other than Layna61524, then that's where/who
Enjoy, my forum friends!
