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Full Version: [GET] Your First 10k Followers and Make Your first $1k on Twitter - $997
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Thanks for this share
(09-16-2021 04:00 AM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]well i downloaded this and i wasn't too impressed. but i really think this is a good strategy for anyone who already has a business and making money online and already has an income coming in. i personally don't think it's worth $1,000. in fact, i don't even think it's worth $500. maybe $297 at the most.

i went through about half the videos quickly and it seems like the way he is teaching to get 10,000 followers is to purchase paid ads for followers at an average rate of .14 per follower. they way he is teaching to scale the followers is to do podcasts and interviews.

so a 16 year kid coulda came up with the idea to just pay for followers and doing interviews in podcasts isn't anything new. nothing original here from what i can tell so far but i didn't go through the last few videos yet.

doesn't mean this strategy wont work. it will. it's just that there isn't anything new here and the dude is charging $1,000 for it. no doubt he is using his strategy to sell this high ticket item that isn't worth the high ticket price.

thanks for the support guys. i had this goal from the beginning of the year and just now reached it. i will continue to match reps as promised until the end of september for this or any one of my other posts.

just remember though, if someone shares something, good or bad, it takes time for that person to share it so it should just be automatic that you give reps to anyone who has taken their time to share something with the community

anyway, thanks again! i wrote my review as promised. i was a little disappointed but still a good course just to go through once. i find for myself, even with the worst courses, i learn some things and able to think outside the box to make it better to fit my own needs.

California Kid, thanks for the share and even more for the review, +5 reps.

Thanks a ton - Max repped
Twitter is most underrated among SMM, but it's one of the most effective platform to build audience! Thanks for share mate!
Thank you.Really
I wanted to give you 25 reps but I always see a maximum of 5+.

Is there a way of increasing the reps I can hand out?
Thanks for the share. Reps added.
Thank you so much for your sharing. Added reputation.
gotta add more reps thanks for this
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