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Full Version: Post to unlock (potential issue)
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I have talked with Omni and Lala and this feature has been removed, they are working on a thanks button instead. :)
Thanks Many thanks for giving us this good news, Academica bro! A "thanks button" will be definitely a better solution than blocking content!

Because I totally agree with GoWork, dealer, Rasur, tr30, smartys, fekowf, 12days and others that: it will be not a good idea to block the content in Udemy Section.

And remember that this was NOT the idea of us as sharers, but that was an optional proposal from our respected mods. Nevertheless they are working in a better solution! Many thanks for that! Again "thanks button" will be definitely a better solution than blocking content as Academica said!

And also that we as sharers are ONLY sharing free courses and coupons WITHOUT LOCKS since MANY YEARS ago. So, we are not blocking or creating any spam or bumps, since MANY YEARS ago!


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