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Full Version: Post to unlock (potential issue)
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This discussion has become very muddled...and IMO there are 3 issues within this topic=>

1 - The forum's need of more traffic and member interaction;
2 - The amount of board spam resulting from forcing members with 'post to unlock';
3 - The very real mess which the above have created.

And of course adding to the above are those who DID NOT find or read the announcement about the changes posted by Omni Potens.

After being a member here for years I notice that MOST members can be seen as being MAINLY in these categories:
- The largest bunch are the grab&go folks who care only about piling up stuff that they will probably NEVER use at all;
- Much smaller is the group of folks who are driven to work and have come here in hopes to find REAL methods they can actually work to earn $$$ with;
- Smallest of all is the group of folks who simply wish to learn new things.

As I said - those seem to be the MAIN ones, there are others like those whose entire social lives is made up of trolling, and some who just get kicks out of knowing they can get paid stuff for free because it is a BH forum, etc...

For myself the changes have lowered my interest here because out of the ~30 pages of the 'new posts' list daily - there are MAYBE 5 or less THREADS which are anything new and/or worthy of even looking at, AND;
If 1 or 2 out of those ~5 are even worthy of replying to for unlocking, that will be ALL for that day lately.

As I've said before:
I suggest looking at the 'views' column here in the threads lists - and if/when the views are more than a few is likely an OLD thread - more than that (like THOUSANDS) and it is DEFINITELY ancient.

If in doubt - looking at the creation date of the OP will show its age and for most stuff that was posted in 2018 or before - it is VERY unlikely to be 'evergreen' and NOT worth reinTARnating (as I like to call it...).

All those ancient threads getting bumped is just...
Well OK - noise time may soon be over !!

As shown here:
Admin will soon be reversing the changes which have caused the uproar, thankfully.

Here is the text of my reply to Admin's announcement:
"Greetings Bestblackhatforum/Mikhael.
Your news is very, very encouraging and welcome - thank you.

May I also add that the 'quote' button is missed a great deal and it seemed to have vanished at the same time that the other changes appeared.

If it may be possible to reinstate it, many members will hugely appreciate that.

Thanks Again, and Best Wishes.

smith "

The closing funny here is that Omni Potens also made an appearance shortly thereafter and that thread is now closed to further replies.

Such good news is definitely a bright spot in this member's day !!
Thanks Thanks for writing, smithnowt bro!

4th group of members: very very few members that are sharers! :)
5th group of members: few people that actually read what we are writing! ;)

And maybe you are right that "quote" button was useful for many members; in my case it was useful to quote a post that was unable to be edited, in order to get the HTML content of the post.

Nevertheless, I also think that maybe is better now without the "quote" button; because many members wrongly used that button to unnecesary duplicate content.


I also hope those ungratefull or unappreciated members think again, without the contributors sacrifice so much time and effort,


and you do not belong to this great forum. This forum is

"SHARING IS CARING" community!

When you take, you always try to give something back. Then all will be BALANCE, and this forum is FULL of the warmness and friendliness. Every members will join happily and helpful to each other.

There are many appreciation token that you can contributed back to those contributors and it costs you nothing.

Think about it.

From sad newbie.
Greetings to you Angelcrc7.
I respect your opinions on the quote button and how very few members are also sharers;
I must also add that there will always be members who find ways to misuse almost anything - not just here, but at any site where there are functions and options for visitors to make use of.

For my uses specifically, being able to quote and attribute text to the original poster is very good in making clear statements regarding specific selections, and this is doubly good beecause those quoted sections also had a link directly to the original - thus allowing any doubters to cross-check references.
Here is what I just posted for a product that the "sharer" didn't even buy. It's a product that someone else is offering for free, but we had to unlock it anyway:

Thanks for making us have to unlock...What is that about? I don't know which is worse. The unlocking bullshit or everything is vip now. I can't speak for anyone else, but it makes me not want to give reps or thanks. How is that necessary?

I've given away a ton of shit here and not only did you not have to unlock anything, 90% of the people who got my shares didn't give reps either...It didn't stop me from sharing though...

And I bought everything I shared.

Just a thought.

Thanks for the share. Reps

You are right zanderman bro, for that reason we are not blocking any coupons as sharers in this moment (we only did a test 1 day of the optional proposal to lock content by the mods); but we realized that is better to freely share without locks at least in our Udemy Section!

And many thanks zanderman for sharing the useful resources that you have bought! Thanks

We also share a very valuable content that take us a lot of time and effort as a great sacrifice (and time is also valuable as money)! So we understand you!

And there is no problem if we do not receive a lot of reps (if at least we receive the respect of the people that appreciate what we are doing since years ago)!

Peace from your angel bro! angelcrc7

Thanks Again


You talk about stopping leachers.

Most of the coupons on here come from FB groups and other sites!

There is no way you can stop leachers and bots.
The vast majority of leachers and bots know programming and can circumvent most efforts you will put in place to stop them.
It's quite simple realy:
a) scrape a thread
b) find the comments form, and post it using curl
c) rescrape the thread with all cookies intact

At the moment, as @GoWork said, all you are doing in filling up the threads with spam and resurfacing old threads unecessarily!
Well stated GoWork!
12days says thanks and reps
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