10-26-2020, 08:20 AM
Get Your Winning Sales Letter Today For FREE.
Proven Copywriting Experience, $6.5 Million Generated In Sales
Proven Copywriting Experience, $6.5 Million Generated In Sales
(Time-Sensitive Offer!)
Hi there,
These days you can find copywriters everywhere you look and for a wide range of prices too.
But how many of them can say they’ve worked with million dollar companies selling $6.5 million dollars’ worth of products?
Chances are… Not too many!
And the ones who can deliver that value are crazy expensive - which is fine for people who can afford them.
But what if you can’t afford to pay up to $10.000 for a sales letter, yet you need freaking amazing copy to scale your business or campaign?
Because honestly, the difference between a good campaign and a freaking amazing one is in the profits.
Nothing else really matters.
You shouldn’t care if your page layout is nice, if your website’s footer is user-friendly or not or if your significant other loves the product.
However, what you should care about is copy (and traffic, but I don’t handle that).
If it converts well, then you can scale your campaigns and win big. If it doesn’t… Your business could fail in the first few years.
“Yeah, you’re right, everybody would love to have more profits, what’s the catch?”
I Want To Make You An Offer You Can’t Refuse
But First, Here’s A Tidbit About Us
But First, Here’s A Tidbit About Us
We’re a team of two highly-motivated direct response copywriters who traded their 9 to 5 office jobs to think and work outside the box.
We were someone else’s employees for 6 years, basically ghostwriting long form sales letters, landing pages, email sequences and promos, launching split tests and critiquing work for junior copywriters.
Fortunately, we’ve learned a lot from our rookie mistakes and years of failed launches, spammy headlines, and truth to be told – lame copy we’ve written in our first 1 – 2 years.
We got better and one lucky day (two different days actually, cause we’re two, lol) we separately wrote two offers that absolutely killed it, grossing more than $6.5 million in sales to date.
This is not hype or bragging. We have the proof and skills to back it up.
My partner has managed a 7-figure sales script in the health niche that generated over $5 million in less than 8 months… Doubling the conversion rate from her first copy iteration and tripling the funnel’s AOV with her copy plus the CRO insights she’s applied.
(She also lowered the refund rate from 14% to less than 5% with a super simple trick).
And I myself have created multiple offers for the health and survival niches… Breaking the million-dollar mark with one of them and generating tens of thousands of dollars with the others. Actually, I was very close to making another super winner when she quit my job.
So, after more than 6 years writing for the self-help, survival and health niches, we took the plunge, fired our bosses, and started from scratch.
We’ve joined our forces under one company, because we know we can take the lessons we’ve learned and apply them to businesses that need to scale fast and could use our help.
And right now, we handle projects we love and develop our own health offers on Clickbank after we’re done making money for our clients.
And if this is still not enough to convince you we are your go-to copy team, then...
Here Are 3 More Reasons Why You Should Choose Us
1. We are not some writers who call themselves copywriters for the heck of it.
We studied John Carlton, Chris Haddad, Gary Bencivenga, Gary Halbert, Clayton Makepeace and some other legends in the industry, for the past 6 years and still do. (Copywriting is a continuous learning process which is why we read at least one to two hours a day).
2. We are easy to work with and we appreciate constructive feedback and criticism.
We’re humble and always learning. This means we’ll never say no to your ideas. We value the time you invested in building your product /service and we promise to treat it like our own baby.
3. This is a super free offer taking into account the years of training, hard work and proven track record we both have.
We’re just launching the company, so we can’t wait to get kick-ass results for new clients before doubling our prices (and we will, because we like profits too!)
So if you, want us to:
• Write, critique or improve a sales page or sales letter that crushes the competition
• Improve your website with time-tested conversion rate optimization tips and tricks we’ve learned throughout the years…
Then we might just be a match.
We believe in lifelong partnerships and friendships.
Also, we’re copywriters with an entrepreneurial mindset that really understand direct response businesses in and out. We know you need results and we don’t shy away from hard work.
This means we won’t just hand over the script and then hide behind the laptop. We are in this for the long run – or until you’re 100% ecstatic with our work.
This is not a promise - it’s our standard.
So if this sounds like we might be who you are looking for to grow your business, then…
Here’s Our Offer
• 14 Day turnaround for a long form sales script (depending on the length of the script we can deliver it sooner)
• Amazing custom conversion rate optimization ideas that are proven to work from previous tests
• 100% professionalism (we work with deadlines too, so we are familiar with the ‘due yesterday’ concept)
• Unlimited reviews because we want you to be 100% happy with our work
• Free editing from a native professional
All for FREE in exchange for a review we can use on our website currently under construction, and the rights to put the work on our portfolio. You probably won’t get this offer anywhere else (remember, the best part about getting us on board while we are still starting out is that we won’t charge you the crazy amounts that other copywriters of the same level do).
What we don't want to write for in this JV...
• "Make money" offers
• SEO or internet marketing offers
What we DO want to write for in this JV...
• Anything else!
We've written for anything from astrology to ironing services to self defence classes. You name it, we've made sales for it!
- If you’ve been daydreaming about monster conversion rates on your website…
- If you want your product to sell like hot cakes…
- If you want to be part of our dream of changing the world one word at a time, while making money in the process…
Then you won’t regret getting us on board for one heck of a ride.
However, for now, we’ve decided to take things slowly…
We can only take on 2 clients. We are not rushing into anything.
Instead, we want to take our time with the research process and deliver our best work.
This also means that unless you act now, you could wait weeks, even months until we become available again because once we start working with the first 2 clients, they really have all our focus and commitment.
So here’s what you can do:
PM me to schedule a 15 minute session Skype with one of us. Ask us anything about your most burning copy problem. You’ll have the chance to know if we’re perfect for the job again, free in exchange for your testimonial.
Worst case scenario, you won’t get your problem answered… best case scenario, we could come up with a powerfully converting sales letter that makes you $$$ fast.
So, if this sounds like a fair deal, just hit reply or PM me and make sure you get us on board while we are still available.
We’ll also answer any questions you might have about our process, skills and portfolio in less than 24hours.
Looking forward to hearing from you.