So About 2 years ago I was kicked out of amazon with some BS reason that made no sense.
I was wondering if I transferred my domain name into my wifes name do you think they would let me become an affiliate with that website url?
I even wonder if I sold the domain is the new owner could get approved?
Any info appreciated.
No idea what strategy will get around amazon's all-powerful AI.
That monster site is largely a no-contact deal these days, and;
It banishes loads of sellers (and buyers) for no reasons given and with zero recourse possible.
Have you just re-applied as is and already gotten refused ??
If not - what do you have to lose by trying again ??
Definitely agree here:
(09-09-2020 01:33 PM)equalizer Wrote: [ -> ]...and they are getting better all the time.
Their sandbox, their rules.
Yes - better at making things
BETTER for amazon and as much
WORSE for anyone
NOT amazon as possible - with twists and complications enough to need a lawyer to translate their hogwash !!
This is precisely why I chose NOT to embark upon selling anything there - but still:
Even as merely a customer they f*cked me over...and did I break some rules ??
I'll never know - all I've done is to buy stuff there and make reviews...ever.
So what happened ??
After making hundreds of honest reviews, all politely worded - they deleted
ALL of them at once, sent an email telling me I was a bad community member and that my 'priviledges' were revoked without any possibility of reconsideration,
My thinking is that my reviews were simply too honest for their non-english speaking censors - BAM - banned forever...done.
That company has become too powerful - and their sandbox has been deliberately spiked with lots of broken glass to slice up us 'kids' who may dare to play in it.
No thanks, I say - but that is just my 2.5 cents.
Is it a way to make a strong amazon stealth account like people do with ebay ?