06-07-2019, 03:37 AM
UPDATE --- JULY 20, 2019
I am now using the uBlock Origin browser extension for
Mozilla Firefox and I no longer have issues with Zippyshare --- AT ALL!
Thank you R11HDJ for this advice and to Znj1377 for seconding
the motion ... as well as providing links where others can get it
for either FF or Chrome ... see posts #20 and #21 below!!!
Add this to your arsenal (I'll keep Epic Privacy Browser as a back-up).
UPDATE --- JULY 20, 2019
I am now using the uBlock Origin browser extension for
Mozilla Firefox and I no longer have issues with Zippyshare --- AT ALL!

Thank you R11HDJ for this advice and to Znj1377 for seconding
the motion ... as well as providing links where others can get it
for either FF or Chrome ... see posts #20 and #21 below!!!
Add this to your arsenal (I'll keep Epic Privacy Browser as a back-up).
![[Image: 2019-06-06_0913.png]](https://content.screencast.com/users/layna61524/folders/Jing/media/ddf19350-a81c-48fc-a318-bbae57e72ee8/2019-06-06_0913.png)
Zippyshare ...
Love it or hate it, it's not going anywhere.
I see posts all the time where people request Zippy links.
But more and more, I'm getting PMs from people asking how best to get the downloads from a Zippyshare link without losing their minds!
I've decided NOT to use Zippy as much as I used to when sharing stuff because of all the crazy-making it puts you through.
Stuff like...
* Re-directs
* Count-down timers
* Pop-ups
* Pop-unders
* (And most recently) Suggestive or down-right vulgar images!
I just received a PM from someone having issues with downloading from a Zippyshare link. I made a recommendation that will help solve his problems forever.
Then I wondered why I didn't do a post for others to see that a solution exists.
I recommended he use Epic Privacy Browser (there may be others but I can vouch for EPB).
Here's what it looks like...
![[Image: 2019-06-06_0920.png]](https://content.screencast.com/users/layna61524/folders/Jing/media/c5b2a0a5-3917-4c5e-8548-9ae5d6e49076/2019-06-06_0920.png)
Now, here's how to zing the crap outta Zippyshare's antics once and for all and in 2 simple steps:
STEP 1. Download and install EPIC PRIVACY BROWSER.
Magic Button :
STEP 2. Open it and then copy-and-paste any zippyshare link you need to download from. When you click the orange download button, take a deep breath and be prepared to be amazed.
Here's what you'll notice:
* No count-down timers: When you click DOWNLOAD, you get just that ... no waiting for a timer to zero-out.
* No erratic browser behavior: You get no pop-ups, pop-unders, or re-directs.
* No wondering about malware, adware, or other potential "nasties": You get nothing lurking in the background to spy on your every move or trying to change something in your registry.
* No offensive images: Look -- we're all adults here and I'm no prude by any stretch but when I'm trying to download a file, I want the download. It's bad enough you have to endure distracting ads because the sponsors pay to make Zippy available and they're hell-bent on us having to see their messages. I understand that. But babes with bulging boobs and bubble butts?
Or more recently (and I can only assume it's because they felt we women wanted to be titillated, too) well, how can I put this ... delicately?
Does anyone else get an ANIMATED drawing of an overly-endowed naked man j*cking off?!! Or am I the only one?
Zippyshare --- c'mon nah ... !!!
I thought maybe my computer was compromised because I get the same image whenever I go to a Zippyshare download...
Well, all that's a thing of the past when you use EPB.
So, give EPB a try and get the files you want while nipping Zippy's antics once and for good!
You don't have to use it exclusively if you prefer Chrome, Firefox or some other browser. Just keep it in your back pocket for use only with sites or links that change your browser behavior or make you jump through hoops.
This won't help where Zippyshare is restricted (ex: your country prohibits it; and I've heard from people who tell me that). But if you're finding it harder to get a download due to browser antics, this information should help.

for reading!