(06-12-2019 09:22 AM)R11HDJ Wrote: [ -> ]TBH i use Chrome and uBlock Origin and have NEVER had an issue with ZippyShare; if there are Zippy mirrors i always use them first as fastest downloads and unrestricted
I 2nd that. Works also great for yt and other stuff. But be sure to turn it off for this site so that you wont get in truble :)
Origin for:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
@Znj1377: Thanks for the browser extensions but can you tell me why one could "get in truble" having this add-on in use on BBHF?
I use Chrome and uBlock Origin too...never seen an ad on zippy...unless I want to.
You have some of the best d*** shares. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you all for sharing alternate solutions. Thanks, too, for the kind posts expressing appreciation for my contributions to the forum community.
I have since bookmarked dissenter (shared by smithnowt) and am already using u-Block Origin (suggested by R11HDJ and Jimmy456) and love it. I only experience an issue on a few of the free course download sites that don't like ad blockers. If I want a download badly enough, I'll temporarily disable u-Block Origin but so far, I love-love-love it! As I said in post #9, Epic isn't the ONLY solution ... and citing JohnMajors' post, it might not be a desired solution for everyone. Still, it's always good to have alternate options.
I had gotten sick of zippyshare's antics a while ago but that x-rated display was the last straw. I'm no prude and actually have no problem with erotica or some civilized porn (to each his own is my philosophy) for those with that proclivity. But to have something that sexually indecent pop up (no pun intended) on my screen unexpectedly and possibly in the wrong setting is just not right.
@darthlee: It was unfortunate that you had to experience that blatant violation of decency in a public venue and I'm relieved that your child was spared from having to see that. For a while, I actually thought my computer had been exploited and I was the only one seeing that monstrous member ... I mean explicit image ... in my browser because no one here ever mentioned that visual and nearly everybody uses zippy links at some point.
I only use my home computer for browsing online so there is never an embarrassing moment for me but something that pornographic should not be openly viewable on a non-adult public access site. It just goes to show you that advertisers are becoming more desperate to blatantly display their message ... whether you want to see/hear them or not!
And this has nothing to do with this post ... I just thought about marketing in general and commercials specifically, and I had to say this about advertising ... it's just my take.
@All: Is it just me or ... are commercials getting less and less tolerable?
With all the courses being sold on how to engage clients and customers to sell your products and services, it seems people in radio and television haven't got the memo.
Just last night, I planned on enjoying a hot bubble bath while listening to the NFL channel on Sirius XM. I listened to 5 minutes of Hall of Fame induction ceremony discussion before the sound boosted and morphed into over 15 minutes of back-to-back commercials for everything from male enhancement (there we go again!) to mortgage financing to IRS tax debt solutions to auto loans to ... I lost count. In fact, I'd finished my bath before the regularly scheduled programming resumed! And I thought Sirius used to tout themselves as commercial-free!
I'm also getting a real short fuse with all the TV commercials lately. Do you know how much money companies pay for ads in prime time?!!! Yet, the content of these ads are getting sillier and less focused on the benefits to the consumer/end user. They're more interested in creating comic mini-series with cave men, talking geckos and a family of bears discussing which product is better after their bowel movement.
This neo-marketing may sit well with millennials and maybe that's it! I'm NOT the demographic the marketers are after.
I'm tired of seeing the stupid-looking people ... hearing the silly songs/jingles ... watching bumbling comic characters (Flo and her co-horts!) ... enduring garbled/poor enunciation in voice-overs (that annoying female voice in those AT&T "your thing is our thing!" ads ... hearing loud, obnoxious clamor that passes itself off as music ... it goes on and on and on.
I'm getting trigger finger from pressing the mute button or (if I've recorded a program or NFL game) the fast-forward button.
And the outright untruths (companies saying they can stop IRS collections, etc.) but only discloses the truth in tiny mice-print you can barely see and stays on the screen for a few seconds because the law requires that at the minimum.
There must be people like me who either mute, fast-forward, look away or walk away for a snack or take a bathroom break whenever a commercial comes on.
Look --- I understand that, without sponsorship, most TV and radio programming wouldn't exist, but d*** ... they've got to find a better way to entice us into putting up with their sales pitch (other than blasting the sound or using pathetic-talent actors).
Just tell us how your offer benefits us and why we'd be crazy to not to jump all over it!
And ... it seems ... most of them can't do that.
Question: What's become of advertising?
Okay, I'll step off my soapbox now.
@slammin6: I'm so sorry, buddy ... I got so wrapped up in my rant that I forgot to thank you for your kind post. Thank you for your kind post. And I appreciate the 10/10 rating, topbrain! 

for reading!