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I, for one, am overjoyed to see SteB81 back in action!

It is the love and admiration of the people in the forum that convinced him to return.

I have not seen an outpouring of such support and encouragement for a single individual - an individual who doesn't seem to eat or sleep, but is ever-present, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to ensure members of the forum get their fill of coupons - 7000+ threads, 15000+ posts and counting ... asking nothing in return.

Cheers Cheers Cheers and a Hip! Hip! Hooray! to SteB81, for reconsidering the decision to quit!!!


I can only add:
Any day when SteB81 can share his gifts with all of us here is a very much better day from those (even if everything else is just a re-hash that day).
I am so very glad to see that SteB81 has been around rather than leaving here !!

My only other little wish would be to reach him via PM or something - but I know he keeps his PM off rather than getting a zillion useless coupon code requests.

Glad to see you are staying with us SteB81, and as always - thanks !!
My apologies (a public letter)

Dear friends in BBHF:

I am grateful even with the advices and corrections that some of the members have sent me.

I want to give public apologies, of my mistakes in my old posts. I am aware that SteB81 sent a few reminders about the coupons that was shared by him, before me of course; because he is in all his right and I have peace with that ;)

For that reason, I gave in the same threads my apologies to him and to everyone. Because I am truly sorry for my mistakes, I am a human, like an angel sometimes, but not an eternal angel ;)

I hope that you forgive me, because I am new here, and I am still learning.

I just want to say in my defense, that I have only 1 month sharing coupons here. And in that time I got a good reputation and nice messages from a lot of members like SteB81 himself and many others.

I know the value of SteB81, and he also knows that very well; because even my FIRST POSTS was curiosly to defend him, see it:

And because of my first posts, SteB81 send my FIRST 5+5 REPS, see it:

SteB81 (135050) - Last updated 04-26-2019, 09:06 AM
Positive (+5): Thanks angelcrc7 for the appreciation!

SteB81 (135050) - Last updated 04-26-2019, 04:06 AM
Positive (+5): Thanks angelcrc7 for the support :)

I also have the support of great members like Juan_Alejandro, Archon, manythanks, koolgreece, Nancy857, and many others. Because they see that I want to sincerely share, being grateful. For example:

From: manythanks
"Angelcrc7, Please know.. That your shares are greatly appreciated and valued..."

"From: koolgreece
"Reps to you angelcrc7 for your cheerfulness, enthusiasm and positive nature!"

From: Archon
"Congrats on 1K my brother angelcrc7!!!!!! Peace and Blessings always!!!"

From: Nancy857
"Thank you angelcrc7. I truly appreciate all of this. :)"

I also have great messages from the authors, for example:

From brianjjaxn (one of the greatest authors in Udemy):
"Angelcrc7, A very nice thought expressed well, thank you for that.
I do hope that my free coupons are aiding a lot of students without means to learn. Peace and goodwill to all my students and potential students. This is a great site. Thank you for this opportunity. ---Brian"

From: donnagalanti
"Thanks so much for the support! I appreciate it!"

From: Muyen
"Thanks a million Angelcrc7. Well understood. Am grateful. I hope you finish courses you selected and give your honest reviews and ratings."

My sincerely apologies to all, and sorry again to SteB81; and blessings to all, my friends.

Peace and success!

My thanks and apologies (an open letter to SteB81):

Dear friends in BBHF:

I am grateful even with the advices and corrections that some of the members have sent me.

I want to give public apologies, of my mistakes in my old posts. I am aware that SteB81 sent a few reminders about the coupons that was shared by him, before me of course; because he is in all his right and I have peace with that ;)

For that reason, I gave in the same threads my apologies to him and to everyone. Because I am truly sorry for my mistakes, I am a human, like an angel sometimes, but not an eternal angel ;)

I hope that you forgive me, because I am new here, and I am still learning.

I just want to say in my defense, that I have only 1 month sharing coupons here. And in that time I got a good reputation and nice messages from a lot of members like SteB81 himself, Juan_Alejandro, Archon, manythanks, koolgreece, Nancy857 and many others.

I know the value of SteB81, and he also knows that very well; because even my FIRST POSTS was curiously to defend him, see it:

And because of my first posts, SteB81 send my FIRST 5+5 REPS, see it:

SteB81 (135050) - Last updated 04-26-2019, 09:06 AM
Positive (+5): Thanks angelcrc7 for the appreciation!

SteB81 (135050) - Last updated 04-26-2019, 04:06 AM
Positive (+5): Thanks angelcrc7 for the support :)

My sincerely apologies to all, and sorry again to SteB81; and blessings to all, my friends.

Peace and success!

Bravo Angelcrc7 !!
It is a very honourable and courageous action that you have taken here, and I salute you.

The best of it is when we all get along as gently as possible and support one another - and it appears that you have this value very firmly in hand !!

Best Wishes.

And also sorry for the duplicated post, it was a problem with my computer ;)

Peace ;)
I will follow the example of SteB81, bumping an old thread only when it is updated, giving the reps to the original sharer; or if there is a new coupon. Learning to do it the right way ;)


Peace and success my friends!
I have always loved his shares even very fast coupon gone many check out his shares on daily basis
OP edited and title changed.
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