Awesome man! but is not saving :(
(10-11-2019 04:01 AM)aminrod Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome man! but is not saving :(
This isn't just for you, so don't get upset it's for the community at large.
Words don't cost money, be clear when seeking help from the OP. They are already providing you a free service, their time is more valuable than yours they aren't charging you! So being clear in your comments shows respect and appreciation.
What isn't saving? The download install file? Your project withing the installed app?Your Finished movie in the installed app?
Does anyone have this app installed, with saved projects AND producing videos?
Unfortunately, it is asking for a license key..can anyone help?
Picked this up the other day but ran out of reps. I'm back! Max reps to Internet0001. thanks too.
Hello guys. Does Anyone know how to export/create video? Unable to export video. Endless Loop for saving. Any help on this? Thanks in advance.
cool share reps for ya too thank you!