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Great share jeffrey123, Thank You!
Thanks again your amazing Jeffrey123
Repped OP and Noob for their efforts!
(07-26-2018 02:01 AM)bluefeb Wrote: [ -> ]Went through the FE really fast it is shopify/fb/instagram and tons of post creations and more.
It looks like a LOT of work and doubtful you can get 1k+ in a week, especially if you dont have that much time during the day to apply to it.

Many thanks bluefeb and I have sent max reps to you!

I've always liked TOM E and Nish, I think both of them always put out really good products that actually show you how to earn Money. I like that TOM E is very genuine, like in his sales video when he made fun of people using fake screenshots, I thought that was great.

This course is really great man, probably the best course I've seen in a very long time. There's onlyone thing that I felt it was lacking. Nish breaks it down step by step and shows you how to set-up a shopify store, setup your shipping, do your research, upload your products to your store, do your targeting and advertising... but the only they don't explain is what you're supposed to do after you've made a sale.

I know you're supposed to Find a Vendor like they show you in the video.. but once they say that they're interested in working with you... I don't know exactly how it works. Is there a way to connect the vendor to your store so when someone buys the automatically fulfill the order? That's something I'm sure can be found on youtube, but I just think that's a pretty big step they left out.

Otherwise this course is solid. I'm Definitely going to put it into action and start earning Money asap, but how to set-up the vendor thing, is the only aspect I'm lacking.

All-in-all , This is definitely a really awesome share, Max reps given to OP.
Look here - or Google it - the phrase 'dropshipping'.

That's pretty much what it order placed with an affiliate is sent direct to the manufacturer/distributor, who then sends it directly to the purchaser.

If you set it up right - the buyer will never know that it didn't come from the vendor/website where they bought it.

If you don't - the buyer will be able to find your source (from the shipping label) and unless they only sell in bulk you just lost a client.

(07-26-2018 01:28 PM)mmorockstar Wrote: [ -> ]I know you're supposed to Find a Vendor like they show you in the video.. but once they say that they're interested in working with you... I don't know exactly how it works. Is there a way to connect the vendor to your store so when someone buys the automatically fulfill the order? That's something I'm sure can be found on youtube, but I just think that's a pretty big step they left out.
@noob14..many thanks for your indepth review. Appreciated as always and +Reps for you and OP.
Hi Jeffrey123,

Max reps added... thanks for the wonderful share.

Max rep anyway Jeff.
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