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Full Version: [GET] Dan Lok - High Ticket Closer
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Again, Rep to the op +++

(06-02-2018 11:59 PM)**PitBull** Wrote: [ -> ]Ive been getting daily emails from The Warrior Forum about this guy (Chinese looking with really terrible looking shiny suit jackets?).

Never heard of him before but he is giving away his best selling book or something if you go to the Warrior Fazzle, the shiny suits jackets and the WF put me off and the sob story that I speed read!

Well, I find his choice of suits colors strange too, they must be armani or gucci on demand lol.
I've heard of him before, he is in the high jet set millionaire coaching level.
He is not a newbie at all, he's been around for a while, few books, ted talk, on magazines etc etc.


Thanks for this great share. +Max Reps Added
Great share max rep
tupac....repped mate....
(06-03-2018 02:27 AM)dccountrydz Wrote: [ -> ]Links full course in this file:

Thanks to dccountrydz for the alternative download with zippyshare links.
Everything extracted beautifully. Max REP added. Thanks

And here is a short YouTube video from Dan Lok that people may appreciate.
He certainly is an entertaining guy with well formed and instructive opinions. Happydance

My pleasure to help!
Rep++ back fingers!
Thanks + reps :)
awesome share, thank you very much.
thank you very much.
So what about a review ?
Not e review of this material.
But a review of results to thoses who applied it.
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