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Give menace some reps since he showed me the login page


Ultra short review:
Dropship Items you sell on FB marketplace.

Btw if anyone recalls the other stuff we have about making money on the fb marketplace throw a link to it. I can't recall what they are called, but one was about using fiver gigs to create stuff to sell in the local fb groups.
mind you, few of this site he mentioned I used, and the goods take a bit longer to arrive, but quality isn't bad at all. Bought wireless headphones, unbranded for £1, free delivery, it was the best quid I invested so far lol. Crisp and excellent sound.

Repp guys for this.
Thanks mobhugger for the share, and also menace-to-gurus, rep added for both of you..cheers!
thanks rep+ added not just share but review too awesome
this looks really good, but what I am wondering is, if you sell on fb market place, the buyer expects to get it delivered from a local person. So how can he get away dropshipping from China which takes ages? Normally the customer would ask after 2-3 days "where is my item" and if you send him a tracking number showing the item is coming from China maybe he files a case with paypal?
Thanks ... Reps added
Any one pick up to OTOs or have the links?
thanks reps added will check this out!

if you dont want to import from china you dont have to

go find another source > case solved :P
what about to try this and post the item in facebook marketplace when someone contact give him the affiliate link of that product and tell them that you put product there for sell

is that method works? also fb marketplace dont show the post there any exprerience?
Thanks mobhugger and menacetogurus ..good share Repped both !!
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