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I have some suggestions for this section,

Since bumping a thread for a coupon, is usually pointless, we can ask for rules to totally prohibit this activity, unless the instructor of that course is present in the thread (udemy instructors can have a special tag so other members will know them)

Otherwise, most of the guys who post coupons here, have no access to create extra ones and only share what they find. So if they find a new coupon, they will share, if they don't find anything new, well there is nothing to share and asking them for new coupons would be completely pointless.

Also, we really need a "thanks button" like many other forums, If we want to thank someone we can click on the "Add Reputation" button, but it seems that many members don't find it enough, so we can introduce a thank you button to avoid bumping an old thread with "thank you" posts.

These things need some moderation and a couple sticky threads, but would make this forum very tidy and increase user experience a lot, I believe.

PS: the codes being messed up in this forum is really unhelpful and annoying.
Is it just me, or are the "Udemy Rules" for this forum basically unreadable? If you look them over carefully, you'll see that they basically devolved into a gigantic thread (like this one is doing now). If we're going to define "SPAM" as whatever we want it to be, then it better be clearly spelled out CLEARLY in RULES that can't be "added to" at will by whoever wants to add a comment to the RULES thread. Some of you certainly feel that (over) "bumping" for a new coupon code is spamming, but I don't see in the RULES where that is defined as "SPAM" (although it does state that "bumping" for a code doesn't help). Then please spell it out in the RULES that we can all clearly read (without all the HTML markup) and don't let anyone else add their opinions to them. I'm not saying we shouldn't be able to discuss the RULES, but not on the RULES page itself. This is a much better way, on a separate thread, then what the RULES page itself has become.
By the way, I forgot to mention that I really 100% agree with Somebody (just above my previous thread). Great ideas, and let's get rid of "bumping" altogether...couldn't agree more.
Stop spamming
thanks all for your support, in order to get this thread to work, I created a new poll to set the limits before considering a member is a spammer, the poll will last for 7 days, read options carefully then vote:
very good idea.
I salute your initiative.
Great idea
[quote='fouadfo2sh' pid='2290308' dateline='1512574206']
thanks all for your support, in order to get this thread to work, I created a new poll to set the limits before considering a member is a spammer, the poll will last for 7 days, read options carefully then vote:

Again, no vote until 'bs00001' gets kicked out of this community for being an uneducated bully.
What about the idea of a udemy request section for where people can ask for coupons for specific courses?
[quote='FredB' pid='2290580' dateline='1512599338']
Again, no vote until 'bs00001' gets kicked out of this community for being an uneducated bully.

Your words of "gets me kicked out of this community" with no solid evidence let everyone knows that in real fact u're an Uneducated bully.

Also up to this moment,

NOBODY cares about your motive of turning this Public vote into personal hate vote towards me...

nor NOBODY responds to what u said and done.

So no vote from U, WFC?

In fact, So UNpopular u're...Oh!

But for u, a member of Reputation: 348......OK In fact I'm a well-educated man so I forgive U!

This member Nida seher keeps spamming with the same free course time and again.
Here most of his posts for same free course.
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