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Thanks for this really useful post and I believe this method truly works when the approach taken towards this strategy is complimented by the Pro Tips you've provided in your post. It's essential that a customer is enticed by the FREE offer and then kept roped in despite the incremented billing with strategic offerings. The real cost incurred by customer in this business plan comes with the domain and I think if a cheap domain is offered to the customer with not much bandwidth or even uptime for a few bucks, it'll reel in more clients which may agree to the incremental costs later on. Rep added for the info.
E. Grayson
how to make this on autopilot (like weebly) for exemple
i mean costumer will build there site by its self
and they get a subdomain + site builder newbie freindly to make it easy for theme
please replay
(04-29-2020 10:41 AM)Prince44 Wrote: [ -> ]how to make this on autopilot (like weebly) for exemple
i mean costumer will build there site by its self
and they get a subdomain + site builder newbie freindly to make it easy for theme
please replay
I'm really not sure what you're asking. It reads as though you want to do nothing and provide nothing to the customer.
Thanks for reminding me of this method tacos4san...
Do you communicate with customers only via email or you're using phone calls and sms messages?
How you collect payments? PayPal or some other payment gateway?
WHAT A FABULOUS AND INFORMATIVE SHARE... looking into doing this.
many thanks.... REP+5 ADDED.
I want to thank you for putting up this thread. I do want to ask 1 question if I may. What kind of verbiage or what do you say to express in order to get a "free $2000+ website" that they need to pay for domain, hosting, maintenance, security, and (possible) MINOR UPDATES? Do you state this in your ads? I would appreciate some feed back if possible. Thanks again.
Great Information. I'm definitely using this model right now. Max Rep
I think this information is better than any info product released on JVZoo and WP.
Thanks for sharing!
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