11-19-2017, 08:18 AM
if you are reading this, then you know about photoshop, you may be a photoshop pro and looking to expand your knowledge. whatever your situation, if you know photoshop you can make a lot of money from home. it is so sad in the world we live in where people have so little money, poor people, migrants and people with no money in the bank. you have a few things they do not, you have a computer, you are online, why aren't you rich yet? the average photoshop designer can make $70,000 u.s. a year, in a developed country.
can you print your own money? with photoshop you can! i just paid my photoshop people to make me a few gold coins like this tutorial shows. if you learn nothing else, get photoshop, study how to use it, plenty of tutorials and templates online. MAKE MONEY!
MAKE MONEY! online, offline, in the real world, money for your bank account, fill your pockets with cash, other people are doing it right now. people will pay you to make them stuff like this! what are you waiting for?
watching it full screen will help, lol
bonus tip for those who add +rep:
for those who need more money, you can design a back for the coin, then find someone to make a real custom coin you can hold in your hand, you can get people to pay you an arm and a leg for these. have any working brain cells? always upsell! make coins for events, places, etc... that are exclusive, people pay extra for that, or one of a kind, super rare... do you get the idea
here, watch this:
find a metal engraver/router or metal workshop near you,
see this:
people have taken this idea to the next level already, they make good money, so can you! like these folks. fyi: some pro's use a program called artcam:
take any free art or image and make something like this:
are you awake yet? i bought 5 of these, 2 made from wood, 2 metal ones and one made from stone
p.s. i did all this and forgot to mention i have several aztec calendar coins as well, and may other varieties of custom coins like that
p.p.s. also, here is another thread, showing how to make a big aztec calendar of your own:
leave some +rep if you want to see more and get more tips. so few people add +rep it is not funny, what is funny, if you think about it, only one percent of people are successful and only one percent of people add +rep. makes you think, don't it? when is the last time you enjoyed someones share and gave them some +rep? made a mirror? commented? gave thanks? adding +rep is giving thanks!
the more you read, the more you know
the more you know, the more you grow
the more you grow = mo' money, mo' money!
yes, you will have more money to blow
before you go, leave some +rep below VVV
can you print your own money? with photoshop you can! i just paid my photoshop people to make me a few gold coins like this tutorial shows. if you learn nothing else, get photoshop, study how to use it, plenty of tutorials and templates online. MAKE MONEY!
MAKE MONEY! online, offline, in the real world, money for your bank account, fill your pockets with cash, other people are doing it right now. people will pay you to make them stuff like this! what are you waiting for?
watching it full screen will help, lol
bonus tip for those who add +rep:
for those who need more money, you can design a back for the coin, then find someone to make a real custom coin you can hold in your hand, you can get people to pay you an arm and a leg for these. have any working brain cells? always upsell! make coins for events, places, etc... that are exclusive, people pay extra for that, or one of a kind, super rare... do you get the idea
here, watch this:
find a metal engraver/router or metal workshop near you,
see this:
people have taken this idea to the next level already, they make good money, so can you! like these folks. fyi: some pro's use a program called artcam:
take any free art or image and make something like this:
are you awake yet? i bought 5 of these, 2 made from wood, 2 metal ones and one made from stone
p.s. i did all this and forgot to mention i have several aztec calendar coins as well, and may other varieties of custom coins like that
p.p.s. also, here is another thread, showing how to make a big aztec calendar of your own:
leave some +rep if you want to see more and get more tips. so few people add +rep it is not funny, what is funny, if you think about it, only one percent of people are successful and only one percent of people add +rep. makes you think, don't it? when is the last time you enjoyed someones share and gave them some +rep? made a mirror? commented? gave thanks? adding +rep is giving thanks!
the more you read, the more you know
the more you know, the more you grow
the more you grow = mo' money, mo' money!
yes, you will have more money to blow
before you go, leave some +rep below VVV