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I want to say thanks to bestblackhatforum for changing my status to "contributor"..I love it..
I have fast internet connection,I can post mirrors.
I registered here few months back but not lived..but after being here from last 15 days I really found my online
I have shared few thing and will share a lot things in few days..

BBHF to be here..
I have shared some stuffs

I also want to be a contributor..


Hello everyone? just visiting this thread again
Hey Direct Download

I also want to be a contributor .
is there any minimum post condition for contributor??
I have shared some stuff.
Can u change the status of mine to contributor???

i can make some mirror...

i rent a vps.

if you need some mirror just PM me the link and i will mirror it...
I can contribute.
I already do it in few forums. I want to contribute here also.

so i am over with my exams. ready to post some cool shares here. I will love to have a contributor status.
I will be able to make mirrors and build hosting service for BBH members, count me in :)

waiting for contributor status if it's ok
love to get this stuff. Already shared few here. will share more soon.
Thanks for the contributor status :) I've been sharing a few things already. I will be sharing and mirroring as much as I can! Also, has there been any talk in making a mobile or app version for the site? I know their was some discussion on implementation of a thread format, will that go in effect? It would help out the forum structure. Bestblackhatforum is the source king!

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