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What the!!!
Your internet connection is SUPREME SUPER FAST!!!
Here in Philippines the max speed of internet reach only 10mbps ...
i can make mirrors. I have good internet connection. Thank
I am interested in doing this....I would like to contribute a lot to this forum.
I am planning to this from so long. Will start from day after tomorrow.
BTW I am planning to protect my uploads by using adfly or passwords. Do members agree with me?
abhishekkjain@ NO adfly link here! but password is allowed but you need to provide the password on your posts not another download strategy like to get the password go here! and advisable password would be
What if I use
Password can be set there.
Original links will be encrypted, captcha etc.
What do you say?
thanks for the comment :).will use it for mirrors :).
I am too interested to be a contributor, Please do reply can i join here.
I would also love to be enrolled into this list too! I have downloaded many things from this forum of very much value. It would be my pleasure to payback with a small help of reuploading and contributing shares. :)
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