Quote: Fixed Deployment typo.
Deployment: Added new Error #8001b if 413 request entity too large error is returned during deployment: Request Entity Too Large. The destination server says we sent too much data. Either change the Deployment Advanced Setting "Max Chunk Size" to a lower value or change the server configuration to accept a larger value. See the following webpage for the server solution for Apache, nginx, or IIS: https://craftcms.stackexchange.com/quest...ing-a-file
S33 destination fixed array declaration using bracket form instead of array().
Improved Live action handling function for postmeta.
Quote: Stash Live: Added errors and warnings if adjusted max execution time falls below certain thresholds.
Stash Live: If adjusted max execution time falls below 5 seconds, including wiggle room buffer, adjust back up to 5 seconds to give things a chance. Throws error.
Stash Live: 5002 error now logs last send filename that failed and how long ago that was.
Transient housekeeping cleanup currently capped at 1000 per run as a temporary workaround for high memory usage on sites with massive numbers of transients.
Quote: importbuddy.php: Now detects unexpected leading whitespace (newlines, etc) at the beginning of importbuddy.php, removed them, and re-writes a valid importbuddy.php. Fixes error about whitespace already being sent and authentication breakage.