thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!
does it need any nulling ????
(09-23-2017 05:52 PM)kohlicool54 Wrote: [ -> ]thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!
does it need any nulling ????
YOu can't use it without null - 2017-11-22 - Dustin Bolton
Quote: ImportBuddy: Added additional Status Log information post-mysql-test for troubleshooting failures moving on to actual database import.
Deployment: Fixed invalid error about corrupted API key due to past bug. Regenerate keys and apply to Remote Destination if encountered. - 2018-01-04 - Dustin Bolton
sFTP destination: Added additional troubleshooting logging information for archive limiting. - 2018-01-15 - Dustin Bolton
Quote: S3 (v3) destination: Attempted fix on China region destinations.
S3 (v3) destination: Added China Northwest 1 (Ningxia) region. - 2018-02-08 - Glenn Ansley
Quote: Fixed Deployment issues including cleanup procedure and file queue.
Fixed Bad Comment Count in backup metadata (removed spam / trash from count)
Enhancement: Moved zip metadata to beginning of zip process to make it play better with certain shared hosting environments. - 2018-02-15 - Glenn Ansley
Quote: Fix bug preventing housekeeping of timed-out remote sends after corrupt fileoptions is found
Improve feedback given when wp-cron loopbacks fail. Notify when script is reachable but crons aren't firing