07-10-2017, 05:39 PM
This was requested and I did a search and the only product from Vincent James is a package of PLR garbage from Fabricio Cruz.
So here ya have the Original 12 Month Millionaire Book + MP3 Vincent James Interview.
For those that don't know, VINCE JAMES ...AKA "Vinnie" REAL Name Vincent J. Passafiume Mr. 12 Month Millionaire. AND if you do a online search, you'll soon discover hes a rough diamond, some will say outright scammer, he's certainly a bit of a CONman
...maybe he was part of the the Sopranos family, the one who took care of their marketing 
Some folks here will probably start commenting on what an ***holeVincent James was/is, I agree Vince wasn't exactly Time Magazine Person of the Year...BUT don't waste your precious TIME complaining/moaning life is to short, for those folks simply move along nothing to see here...
Anyway...for those interested this book will probably be the most eye-opening book you'll ever read as far as how to scale a direct response marketing business beyond your wildest dreams.
For me its in my top 7 books, heck I even have this book printed out for an annual read...if you've never read a direct response marketing book because of the shear size/pages puts you off (12MM is 312 Pages) then ONLY read this book, because it really is the best marketing material you can get your hands on.
This book has all the hallmarks of the late Gary Halbert, AND I have often wondered if this book was written by Gary!
The book is a wild-ass ride for sure!
Vincent Jame's methods were borderline dubious/illegal in some cases (forced continuity /auto re-billing / dude products I believe) but the marketing is genius. He didn't get rich teaching marketing like all the so called 'GUROOOOs' of today do...he made $100m by rolling up his sleeves and IMPLEMENTING the direct response marketing techniques he learnt from the greats.
Read this book at least two times, devour every part of the direct response marketing material and take serious action on everything you've taken in.
Focus on creating and delivering real value to the marketplace, show proof that your product works, however don't promise results that you can't deliver, you can take the same systems from this book and legitimately and ethically sell products that help people, AND simply not implement the scammy sh*t that Vince did ie: dude products, forced continuity, etc...
FROM: Gary Halbert.
"I gotto know this guy. He's from New Jersey, as street smart as they come,and he has the energy of a shitweasel on amphetamines. He created abusiness that generated $100,000,000 in 23-short months. Vincent didthis with just a pen, a pad, and a simple idea. I believe this is byfar the most important marketing product ever put together. In it, hereveals a lot of secrets that even I have never before revealed toanyone (except a few clients and my closest friends). If you dare saythe information you get from this product was already known to you orit wasn't worth the money, you are much more than a shitweasel. You area stone-cold, unethical liar. Believe it or not, much of his information is so electrifying; it was unknown even to me. And I am nowusing these secrets when I create advertising for myself or for myclients"
More info from Gary Halbert:
![[Image: 12MonthMillionaireBook.jpg]](http://masterkeymarketingwarriors.com/products/copywriting/VJames/images/12MonthMillionaireBook.jpg)
This is the only original sales page I can find:
The Original 12 Month Millionaire Book DownLoad here:
![[Image: 12MonthMillionaire2_Group2.jpg]](http://www.mymillionaireblueprint.com/images/12MonthMillionaire2_Group2.jpg)
As YOU can see in the above picture Vincent James selling a live seminar which in fact IS the MP3 interviews with Russell Brunson!
Anyway here's Vincent James Interviewed by Russell Brunson:
Enjoy Folks!
So here ya have the Original 12 Month Millionaire Book + MP3 Vincent James Interview.
For those that don't know, VINCE JAMES ...AKA "Vinnie" REAL Name Vincent J. Passafiume Mr. 12 Month Millionaire. AND if you do a online search, you'll soon discover hes a rough diamond, some will say outright scammer, he's certainly a bit of a CONman

Some folks here will probably start commenting on what an ***holeVincent James was/is, I agree Vince wasn't exactly Time Magazine Person of the Year...BUT don't waste your precious TIME complaining/moaning life is to short, for those folks simply move along nothing to see here...
Anyway...for those interested this book will probably be the most eye-opening book you'll ever read as far as how to scale a direct response marketing business beyond your wildest dreams.
For me its in my top 7 books, heck I even have this book printed out for an annual read...if you've never read a direct response marketing book because of the shear size/pages puts you off (12MM is 312 Pages) then ONLY read this book, because it really is the best marketing material you can get your hands on.
This book has all the hallmarks of the late Gary Halbert, AND I have often wondered if this book was written by Gary!
The book is a wild-ass ride for sure!
Vincent Jame's methods were borderline dubious/illegal in some cases (forced continuity /auto re-billing / dude products I believe) but the marketing is genius. He didn't get rich teaching marketing like all the so called 'GUROOOOs' of today do...he made $100m by rolling up his sleeves and IMPLEMENTING the direct response marketing techniques he learnt from the greats.
Read this book at least two times, devour every part of the direct response marketing material and take serious action on everything you've taken in.
Focus on creating and delivering real value to the marketplace, show proof that your product works, however don't promise results that you can't deliver, you can take the same systems from this book and legitimately and ethically sell products that help people, AND simply not implement the scammy sh*t that Vince did ie: dude products, forced continuity, etc...
FROM: Gary Halbert.
"I gotto know this guy. He's from New Jersey, as street smart as they come,and he has the energy of a shitweasel on amphetamines. He created abusiness that generated $100,000,000 in 23-short months. Vincent didthis with just a pen, a pad, and a simple idea. I believe this is byfar the most important marketing product ever put together. In it, hereveals a lot of secrets that even I have never before revealed toanyone (except a few clients and my closest friends). If you dare saythe information you get from this product was already known to you orit wasn't worth the money, you are much more than a shitweasel. You area stone-cold, unethical liar. Believe it or not, much of his information is so electrifying; it was unknown even to me. And I am nowusing these secrets when I create advertising for myself or for myclients"
More info from Gary Halbert:
![[Image: 12MonthMillionaireBook.jpg]](http://masterkeymarketingwarriors.com/products/copywriting/VJames/images/12MonthMillionaireBook.jpg)
This is the only original sales page I can find:
The Original 12 Month Millionaire Book DownLoad here:
![[Image: 12MonthMillionaire2_Group2.jpg]](http://www.mymillionaireblueprint.com/images/12MonthMillionaire2_Group2.jpg)
As YOU can see in the above picture Vincent James selling a live seminar which in fact IS the MP3 interviews with Russell Brunson!
Anyway here's Vincent James Interviewed by Russell Brunson:
Enjoy Folks!