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Full Version: [GET] Yoast SEO PREMIUM v11.3 for WordPress + Included Add-ons [UPDATED]
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(04-17-2019 11:54 AM)Chupach Wrote: [ -> ]11.0.0
Quote:Release Date: April 16th, 2019

We’ve made huge changes to the markup we output, adding multiple different types of Schema. Be sure to check our posts on about this release!


Schema changes:
Adds Person markup for author pages.
Adds WebPage markup for all pages.
Adds Article markup for posts, with Person markup for the author.
Changes the ‘Organization or Person’ section of the Knowledge graph settings to allow selecting an author that is the ‘Person’ that the website represents.
Adds MySpace, SoundCloud, Tumblr and YouTube URL input fields to people’s profiles.

Fixes an issue where the metabox would not display on term edit pages when running the development build of Gutenberg.

Hi Chupach, I already have the plugin but only trying to replace the license file. Am I supposed to copy anything else but the Class-license-manager.php thingy?
BUMP for latest version!
Quote:April 30th, 2019

Improves the recognition of German keyphrases that include words with an i or e in between vowels (e.g., schrieen, schreien, speie).
Improves recognition of German 3rd person singular verb forms (e.g., arbeitet).

Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 11.1 see the core changelog.
Getting this error while installing the plugin:

Unpacking the package…

Could not extract file from archive. wordpress-seo-premium/admin/ajax.php


Got the issue, it was because of the zip password.
(05-03-2019 01:12 PM)mrideroflife Wrote: [ -> ]Getting this error while installing the plugin:

Unpacking the package…

Could not extract file from archive. wordpress-seo-premium/admin/ajax.php


Got the issue, it was because of the zip password.
Don't you read my "NOTE" below the download link?
Thanks for this! but

You haven’t activated your Yoast SEO Premium subscription yet! This means you are missing out on features you paid for, so activate your subscription now(Opens in a new browser tab)!
nope, not working, tried on two separate domains.
not activated
No addon? notworkingnotworkingnotworkingNotWorking
Excellent work, thank you, really appreciate, repped
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