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Full Version: [GET] Yoast SEO PREMIUM v11.3 for WordPress + Included Add-ons [UPDATED]
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(02-14-2018 04:05 PM)fireboy25 Wrote: [ -> ]Bump for 6.3 Updates............
+1 Please
Bump for 6.3 ..
Thanks so much. reps added
6.3.0 - February 13th, 2018
Adds a new sentence to the Internal Linking analyzer after completing a full site scan. This gives you more insight into what the effects are of running the analyzer.
Adds additional explanation on entries on the features tab.
Adds links to explanatory articles on the features tab.

Fixes a bug where a core WordPress function wasn’t available when getting the .htaccess file path on an Apache installation.
Adds support for including custom post types in the prominent words recalculation process.

Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 6.3.0, see the core changelog.
Thanks and reps for this great share and continued support Chupach. Much appreciated!
Please update or at least send me files of 6.3.1, because 6.3 have some bug.
If you run F12 dev-tools on new post there you can see
"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)"
"Error loading locale data for locale: en
Error: Loading chunk 193 failed."
This is fixed in 6.3.1 release.

Thanks in advance

Release Date: February 20th, 2018


Fixes a bug where a non-existing JavaScript chunk file was loaded, causing a console error. This only affected users using a locale different than en.
Hi Chupach I wanted to upload the file but again new update! Sorry man that we keep asking for an update! I will wait when the new updates comes from you 6.3.1. because 6.3 is an bug in it!!! But at always thank you so much for this.....
Great working! ;)

Thank you ad +
I get this error:
The package could not be installed. No functional plugins were found.

Tried in on two different sites, but didn't work.

Anyone else with this error?
(02-20-2018 07:06 AM)liftbeisl Wrote: [ -> ]I get this error:
The package could not be installed. No functional plugins were found.

Tried in on two different sites, but didn't work.

Anyone else with this error?

unpack first with password provided in thread than zip again and upload.
But i suggest you to wait for 6.3.1 bcoz 6.3 have bug that is fixed in latest release
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