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Does anyone have ACT 2.72E working beyond "trivial" setup (ie: Enterprise features)?

I tried to set up a "Whisper" message (via "Text to Speech" / Upload mp3 / or straight recording) but the buttons don't work. Call Flow setup also doesn't work.

When you hover over the buttons down in the bottom of the browser there's a "Javascript(0)" message, suggesting that a popup is supposed to come for you to do something next ... but nothing happens. [I saw this same behavior in the prior null release for ACT v2.69E.]

Also seems to be some issue with setting up phone forwarding, as when I clicked in there, a PHP error message pops up talking about a function that is deprecated.

Seems like the nulling broke both ACT v2.69 and v2.72. Can the original nuller please have a look at it again, and do a "non-trivial, Enterprise features" test/install?

If needed, I can post a screencast showing the issues described above.

can someone share the ACT chrome extention please? thank you
Thanks Ratzazz! I was installing a legit old version that I bought years ago but didn't work. I'll try this one.
would anyone happen to have Analytic Call Tracking v2.7.2 Enterprise Edition. I cannot find any live mirror on that one. I miss the boat please help
I installed your analytic call tracking software to my website successfully and bought a phone # in twilio.

I set up a call forwarding from my toll-free phone I brought in Twilio to my local phone #

my issue is that I cannot receive a phone call in my local phone # ( my local phone # wont ring if someone calls my toll free number). can you help me fix this one?

I can pay for someone who can help me fix this issue. please inbox me if you can help me

(02-18-2018 03:12 PM)BBHFMarketer Wrote: [ -> ]I installed your analytic call tracking software to my website successfully and bought a phone # in twilio.

I set up a call forwarding from my toll-free phone I brought in Twilio to my local phone #

my issue is that I cannot receive a phone call in my local phone # ( my local phone # wont ring if someone calls my toll free number). can you help me fix this one?

I can pay for someone who can help me fix this issue. please inbox me if you can help me


Do you have the latest PHP ? If not update it.

That may help as it helped someone else earlier.

RA Cool

have you put the number to in the right format ?

you have to have the country dialing code at the begining (unless in the sa)
and i think you have to put a "+" at the begining of the number.

does that get it working ?

(02-18-2018 03:12 PM)BBHFMarketer Wrote: [ -> ]I installed your analytic call tracking software to my website successfully and bought a phone # in twilio.

I set up a call forwarding from my toll-free phone I brought in Twilio to my local phone #

my issue is that I cannot receive a phone call in my local phone # ( my local phone # wont ring if someone calls my toll free number). can you help me fix this one?

I can pay for someone who can help me fix this issue. please inbox me if you can help me

Thanks for this share, been working like a charm this past year.

Is it possible to get the updated version below? Thank you again for the current share.

ACT v2.7.3

Keyword Tracking and Referer Tracking numbers now stick throughout the site.

Referer tracking setting default number in Manage Phone Numbers page.
can someone ping me a price to install this and make sure its working. .. be nice
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