Unfortunately I can't re-open coupons, but here is another that ends Friday midnight HST.
Free, Original price: 75 €,Discount: 100% off, 1 day left at this price! https://www.udemy.com/calendar-productivity/?couponCode=BBHF-72HPEWPEWLASERS
Thank you @ feefiefohfum and for the the update @ThorTeaches
Free this weekend enjoy!
New Coupon from Thor:
Limited slots! Hurry!
My bad - have posted in wrong thread (coupon above is for another course: http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-F4LT-Reach-YOUR-dream-goals-Multiply-your-productivity-NOW)
Mods please delete the post http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-Multiply-your-Productivity-Use-your-calendar-right-2017?pid=2166404#pid2166404