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Multiply your Productivity: Use your calendar right (2017) by Thor Pedersen

* Limited slots (total 100). Hurry!
* Coupon\link works at time of posting.
* Gift of +reps appreciated :-)
* Provide positive and constructive course reviews to encourage instructor(s) and help improve courses.
Hi, 90 students enrolled. Sold out already!

Please, new coupon.

Thanks in advance
Thanks but gone super fast. Doubt there were 100 when posted.
new coupon please
Did you have like ONE coupon to share or what?
103 students have enrolled...
would you please extend it to the next 500? im sure a ton of us feel the same...
aiyiyi ......... 25sweating 37worried 25sweating looks like an angry mob is getting ready to make me walk the BBHP (Best Black Hat Plank) 51whew 38lipssealed

Guys, I merely pass on the coupons shared by the instructors. I have no control on the number of coupons or when they decide to release them.

Course is mine, initial coupon was sent to my current students hence the 100 limit, but it made it's way here :)
The second one is valid still and has no sign up limit, just expires Sunday midnight PST.

[quote='ThorTeaches' pid='2076976' dateline='1494152452']
Course is mine, initial coupon was sent to my current students hence the 100 limit, but it made it's way here :)
The second one is valid still and has no sign up limit, just expires Sunday midnight PST.


Dear Thor:
Could you please re-activate that coupon and extend till tomorrow?

I missed it last week. Again! :(

I'd love to enroll and learn this course. Thanks for your kind help.
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