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(04-02-2017 04:54 AM)PassiveQueen Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Scorpio and everybody!
I got it to work. Thanks! Are there any tutorials? I looked here in the forum, but haven't found anything yet.
Thanks again and enjoy your Saturday!
PQ 26kiss

Thanks Scorpio!! What took you so long to answer my request?
April Fool's!! Lol
Thanks for comments.
thanks for share
Thanks for your sharing..
(04-01-2017 06:42 PM)tinamou99 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-01-2017 01:38 PM)blackhatspidy Wrote: [ -> ]ѕ¢σяρισ ! thank you so much for this...+5 rep, will make huge $$$ with this :)

Then why not send some of it over to ѕ¢σяρισ and ShortCircuit for their hard work in getting this out on every update? I'm sure they would appreciate it from your huge $$$ making.

<tongue in cheek smiley>
Thanks scorpio another great share, very useful tool. +reps
Excellent share as usual Scorpio! Love having the updated version. Max Reps to you!
Thanks for comments.
Another great share by Scorpio....

Always the latest and greatest from the BBHF....


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