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(11-03-2016 05:01 AM)smartys Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-03-2016 03:07 AM)Arrowhead Wrote: [ -> ]I tried downloading the cheat sheet but cannot get to open the text file. I revisited the zippy download page and the folder says that it has 0MB of file in there.
Can someone who managed to get the cheat sheet upload another file?
Thank you!

Here is the Cheat uploaded by Tong in ZippyShare. Don't forget to Rep Tong.

Reevio Credit Increaser Cheat:

Registration link (Thanks to aLwAyStEsTiNg for sharing it!):

Login link:

To increase credits by 50 each time:
1. Make sure you are logged in.
2. Go to and simply sign in again.
3. You get extra 50 credits!

Do not exceed 200 credits. I received an error message saying something like "limit exceeded" for my account
when I tried it.

Let's not be so greedy, guys.
Enjoy the cheat!
Tong (BBHF)

Thank you so much for your kindness, Smartys! I really appreciate you for doing this grand gesture!

Thank you also to Tong who kindly shared his experience with this. We wouldn't have otherwise known about this magic trick.

To you both and, of course, to AlwaysTesting, thank you and reps added.


Wow! I'm blown away. I now have 200 credits. Thanks so much!!!
Unexpected end of input
Anyone else have this?
Awesome share! Thank you
Unfreakinbelievable !! Thumbs UP
Thanks for the share.
Nice share. Thank you.
Reps added to aLwAyStEsTiNg and Tong for their contributions
Appreciated friend. Still working. Reps as usual.
Well how to use the credits? Should I upgrade my account and pay $29?
When i want to watch video made in Reevio or when i try to play on my PC i get this message "No video with supported format and MIME type found"
On my PC i get this error " No combination of filters could be found to render the stream.
Error Num:80040218" WTF is this! I have latest flash codecs everything, so why this shit I see?!
Thank you. Rep added :)
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