someone here uses those voices without any problem.Ok, I know that this is no good idea to use over facebook,youtube etc...but on where do you use with success?That no one can ask or delete,ban your account for copywriting?
Nice share! Full reps to you!
Do you have a male or female Indoensian with this?
(10-04-2016 07:29 AM)WINDSHIELD Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for this.I just install the program but don't know how to run and use them.
You can use textaloud software.
great share many thanks brother
(10-04-2016 01:26 PM)pdadarwal Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Mate ! Thanks for this share. I would like to get something which can get translate HINDI language to voice.
This one is also a great one but I am in searching to get conversion for HINDI Language.
Thanks again.
I do not have the Hindi language, but will look out for it, Thank you
(10-04-2016 06:33 PM)demargoo Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for share..
Thank you Demargoo, Enjoy it!
(10-04-2016 05:52 PM)rammstein Wrote: [ -> ]Great share, hop
Thank you Rammstein, Enjoy it!