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Full Version: My FB Ads Skills+Your Business=$$$ -Leverage my advertising skills to get more profits!
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I will share goals and what we need to do. We will set a action plan in place. You need this as a foundation to business most of the time.

I like to do it that way. So, I am a serious JV partner and am looking for the same from you or whoever the right person is. I want to enjoy this journey with someone!
hey i have been selling multiple products to the real estate service industry such as contractors, home builders, home restoration company, home inspectors, engineers and so on.. I have not used any PPC that has actually brought money back into my business aside from activating free google and bing ad coupons to test different campaigns. I make all my sales from simply sending bulk emails to email list I scrape and build fresh.
I can share 40% income comes from FB. I will provide coupon and If receive any order then I will pay you 40% money of my product.

If agree then tell me. I am waiting.
I have an info product that sells at $697, sold about $10k worth so far.

I'll pay for ads if needed and we can split profit on the sales.

Looking to scale to +60 sales/mo
This offer is opened again!
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